Saturday, December 22, 2012

Disarm Americans to protect disarmed Americans?

Yeah that's right.

Criminals don't follow laws so what do the "elite" want to do?  They want Congress to pass a law so that Americans are disarmed.

I don't fucking think so.

New York's Governor has even floated the idea of gun confiscation!  Think about it.  The governor of a large US state is talking about confiscating weapons!  Doesn't that chill your bones?  Doesn't that sound like something out of Nazi Germany or Communist Europe?

Elements of Power has a great write up on the subject here.

Oh and for my brothers in the occupied state of New York...check this out.
Forget the gun, its the PVC pipe that should catch your attention.  Buy the biggest one possible, prep it, seal one end, make sure you have enough room to saw off the cap, in goes your guns with some ammo and bury it vertically   Make sure that its buried below the level of a big guy with a shovel being able to hit it with one scoop...get gps coordinates if off site, and make sure you have fools metal spread out on top of it to throw off metal detectors.

But even sadder for my brothers in New York is this fact...oh and I can't take credit for it, I read it on a message board...
If you're having to think about burying your guns, then hasn't the time arrived for you to use your guns?


  1. To us Brits it seems everything in the US is open to litigation. If, and I still think it is a big if (I am not normally an optimist), if the guns are taken then I wonder if a former gun owner is killed due to criminal activity could his/her family sue the state? Probably not, but think about several such case. Or indeed one class action.

    I had another scary thought too. If Obama gets away with this I wouldn't be surprised, if he gets greater Democrat numbers after the mid-terms, for him to try and scupper the two-term law for Presidents. He is still young. And his only opposition really is a rapidly ageing, read geriatric, Mrs Clinton. Just think about it. If he isn't bothered by the 2nd Amendment why should the 22nd bother him?

  2. Sovereign immunity is something our government learned from y'all, and they'd use that to shut down that type of lawsuit. Any criminal enterprise learns to protect itself first...

    1. if he tried that i can guarantee nothing but bullets flying. war would be on and blood would be shed.

      that's a real deal shit you not statement. people have beeen talking about that possibility for a long time...the reaction by the American people will NOT be pretty.

    2. Crown Immunity perhaps. But HMG gets sued all the time for breaches of human rights and other twaddle.

  3. If the Founding Fathers were around today, they would support banning assault weapons. It is the equivalent of an 18th century American owning a cannon...think that was allowed back then? Nope.

    You don't need assault weapons. Simple as that.

    1. What do you mean by the term assault weapon?

      As for cannon. Well no a cannon is an artillery piece not an assault weapon. There are artillery pieces in private hands but not many because they cost an awful lot.

    2. Uhm no. You don't even know what an "assault weapon" is.

    3. Private citizens could and did own cannon back Revolutionary times. Warships, too. That is why "Letters of Marque" is in the Constitution.

      Some Civil War volunteer units bought their own artillery, too.


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