Wednesday, December 12, 2012

F-35 might carry 8-12 Cuda AAM's internally.

Or so Elements of Power Blog surmises at the end of his post.  Read it all here, but be warned...I guess he couldn't help it but he went nerd boy in a big way two lines in and didn't come up for air until the very end.  I would love to hear Elements of Power, Sweetman, Goon and Christina all debating the F-35 (oh and I would add the cowboys from the Heritage Foundation but I forgot their names) with the Dave from the Dew Line playing referee.  I bet we could find out motives real quick.  When it happens you heard it here first.


  1. Here's my dream scenario for a future air strike:

    At a distance, you have AWACS, JSTARS, RIVET listening and tracking everything to build the 'big picture'.

    F-15E's hang out just out the SAM rang to use their radar to spotlight enemy fighters and fire volleys of AMRAAMS at them. At the same time, F-16 dart in to use JSOW and HARMs to knock out SAM batteries and open a door.

    Pouring through that door are F-22 loaded with CUDA's that get their targeting cues from the F-15's and AWAC. They play snipers hitting the enemy fighters from behind. F-35's, loaded with SDBs, use their sensors to find & attack any of the air defense systems that are left. Then a flight of B-1's, loaded with 24+ JDAMS each level anything that moves.

    1. quite honestly that sounds about right but one thing i'm gonna have to check on with Elements of Power is whether or not the F-22 is keeping pace with advancements that we're seeing across military aviation. in many ways it seems like a classic clear weather fighter. big engines, big watches and guns and missiles but not much going on when it comes to avionics/electronics dominance.

    2. Or. . . F-22s and F-35 go poke out the eyes (radars) and EVERYBODY comes in.

    3. uhh Solomon, the F-22 has one of the best radars of any fighter flying today. It can act as a "mini" AWACS to other F-22s. Too bad there are only 185 flying.

    4. does it? i've read some of the work thats been done on the AESA's being placed into the F-16's and F-15's not to mention the F-35's that have me wondering. remember its been 20 years since the F-22 first flew. that's a long time in the march of tech.

  2. Hey! I went half-'Geek' not total nerd on that one. I spared everyone a lot of boring background and math: Just showed them where they could do their own math.

    The F-22 is still pretty much in the learn-how-to-operate phase. Focus is on maintainability and supportability at the moment (aside from Oxygen System/Life Support Stuff). I'm sure there are studies in the works for system upgrades. I check here for latest contract stuff:


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