Monday, December 31, 2012

Feinstein live and uncensored. Its about ALL guns..not just so called assault rifles.

Gun Community.

THIS IS YOUR ENEMY.  Live and uncensored.  Let them win on this and the nose will be under the tent and they'll come back for all weapons.

She said "Mr and Mrs America turn them all in"...

This bitch can go munch on donkey dick.  It ain't happening.  I didn't want this to turn nasty.  I wanted cooler heads to prevail and hoped that this fight could be avoided.

Not now.  Lets just get it started so we can get it done. You can't negotiate with terrorist and the anti-gun people are the enemy.


  1. No surprise, liberals come out of the womb hating guns.

    Happy New Year.

  2. Demand A Plan? Demand Celebrities Go F*ck Themselves [Extended Cut]

    This video is aw'some!!!


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