Saturday, December 22, 2012

Gun Owners of America.

Larry Pratt.
I happened to glance up at the TV and saw Larry Pratt debating one of the idiots hosting a MSNBC news show.

Long story short?  Don't let the grandfatherly looks fool ya.  Pratt tore this guy a new asshole.  I mean he seriously went up one side and then down the other.  The dummy tried to pull facts out of his ass and Pratt would have none of it.

The NRA is good.  They're the big dogs on the block but this Gun Owners of America seem to fit more with my belief system.

Check them out for yourself here.


  1. Join them and make a donation, don't forget the Second Amendment Foundation either. If you are Jewish there is Jew's for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership.

    The NRA are big beasts but they are not the only dog in this fight and all dogs need feeding.

    Get involved and protect the 2A.

    1. What about the NAGR? I hear they've been doing some real great things for gun rights, these days.

    2. Absolutely, and I am sure there are more. It is time for gun-owners to get active and put there money where their mouthes are. Join and donate to every organisation you can find and lobby your representatives.

  2. funny about all you fucking steroid useing cock strokeing closet homo gun nuts talk all the time about how a good guy with a gun can take out a bad guy. well, we have millions of gun owners in this country. not one fucking time have i heard of an armed citizen takeing out one of these psycho killers mid shooting spree. not once.

    1. You obvious missed this post on this very forum then:

    2. RE: “not one fucking time have i heard of an armed citizen takeing [sic] out one of these psycho killers mid shooting spree. not once.”
      Well your lack of awareness is hardly anyone’s fault but your own. Even though the media does its best to bury these events as fast as possible, all you have to do is search “citizen stops gunman”
      and most recently and still developing:
      And of course, the sum total of cases where a weapon in the hands of private individuals saved only 1 or 2 lives far outnumber the cases where lives were taken or saved in the ‘mass’ killings the press loves so much to cover.
      BTW, you swear like a 13 year old. Get something for that Mangina itch. Maybe then you’ll start thinking a little more clearly and stop irrationally emoting all over the place.

    3. You might find these interesting too.

  3. what a wanker, do you kiss your mother with that mouth? i hope she washes it with laundry soap.


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