Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Is this true? MV-22 has lifted the CH-53E's 20,000 pound practice blocks!

Rumor has it that the MV-22 has lifted the CH-53E's 20,000 pound practice blocks.  If so then we're looking at a capability that has been undisclosed.  The idea of an up rated MV-22 being capable of performing the Medium and Heavy mission is...interesting.


  1. In a test scenario I dont see why not.

    The twin rotor concept produces far more lift power for the given engine rating than a single rotor. Plus the Osprey has always struck me as being overpowered for its size. So its very possible that the theoretical capability exits.

    But, there might not be any operational value. For example, if you are putting the engines, gear box and transfer case under critical stress then its simply not worth the maintenance headache. The bird in question may also have been stripped out and carrying min. fuel to get the lift. And even if it gets airborne, there would be serious questions of how far it could get with the sling load. I doubt the stabilization software can handle such loads for tactical distances.

    But hey, if it can do it, Godspeed. The K can't come soon enough though...

  2. Lifted VTOL or just lifted? The MV-22 has always been supposed to be able to handle 20,000 lbs with a short take off roll, just not VTOL.

  3. i don't know...i wasn't there but i have seen the CH-53 boys practicing with the cememnt blocks and there is no way in hell you're getting those in the cargo hold of a V-22 so it had to be sling loaded.

  4. Don't believe it's possible!


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