I decided to do a post on a couple of things that caught my attention. Its gonna vary widely so bear with me...
KA-Bar Becker BK2 Companion.
I bought one of these a couple of months ago and all I can say is wow. Its more a short sword than a knife (I say that because of weight, not length) and can handle pretty much anything you can throw at it. The carrying case is nice. On shortcoming? The nylon belt loop. Not a problem for me. I bought an attachment that allows me to remove the fabric belt attachment and replace it with a device so I can Scout carry it. Act fast. When I bought mine I got it for around 50 bucks. They're over that now and rising fast. Read a great review of this knife here.
Firearms for SHTF.
Everyone has their own way of thinking when it comes to an ideal weapon for when shit hits the fan (SHTF).
Lots of people swear by 5.56/223, 30/06, shotguns, three oh eights etc...
I think that the ultimate survival battery really includes only two weapons...don't get me wrong. I have different tools for different things (and that's what guns are...either tools primarily or hobby instruments secondarily...oh and if you use them for self defense its a tool just like a club was for a caveman or a sword for a Samauri). That would be a handgun and a .22 caliber rifle. The handgun because in a true SHTF you're going to be working, getting stuff done if you want to live decently that is. Our modern world has allowed many to forget how difficult just keeping clean can be when power is out, but I digress. When you're feeding your chickens or gathering firewood or washing clothes you're not going to want to be unarmed. Work has to get done but you have to be able to defend yourself. That means a reliable handgun in a well built holster. Next comes the need to harvest food in a true SHTF. That's anything from squirrel, rabbits, deer and hogs. A .22 works for all that if you're using the right bullets and have good shot placement. Yeah hunting deer with a .22 can be considered inhumane but I know for a fact that some have done it and I know that those who do placed the shot where needed to take down the animal. A .22 gives you the opportunity to practice like a madman, allows you to easily store enough ammo for not only yourself but also your kids kids.
If you know of anyone that is just starting the prepping journey then start them off with a .22 and a reliable handgun.
Water Storage.
My quick and dirty research on water storage shows exactly how far behind I am behind like thinking people. Between those that have setup rainwater collection systems, to those that have some pretty elaborate automatic refill systems of their standard storage to those that not only have all of the above but also are growing food hydroponically and one family even transformed their swimming pool to a self sustaining mini-fishing pond.
I/We/US (I mean me and my readers that think like I do--if you don't cool, I don't hate, we just part ways on this subject) have alot to do. Links coming up on some of the projects that just blew me away.
KA-Bar Becker BK2 Companion.
Firearms for SHTF.
Everyone has their own way of thinking when it comes to an ideal weapon for when shit hits the fan (SHTF).
Lots of people swear by 5.56/223, 30/06, shotguns, three oh eights etc...
I think that the ultimate survival battery really includes only two weapons...don't get me wrong. I have different tools for different things (and that's what guns are...either tools primarily or hobby instruments secondarily...oh and if you use them for self defense its a tool just like a club was for a caveman or a sword for a Samauri). That would be a handgun and a .22 caliber rifle. The handgun because in a true SHTF you're going to be working, getting stuff done if you want to live decently that is. Our modern world has allowed many to forget how difficult just keeping clean can be when power is out, but I digress. When you're feeding your chickens or gathering firewood or washing clothes you're not going to want to be unarmed. Work has to get done but you have to be able to defend yourself. That means a reliable handgun in a well built holster. Next comes the need to harvest food in a true SHTF. That's anything from squirrel, rabbits, deer and hogs. A .22 works for all that if you're using the right bullets and have good shot placement. Yeah hunting deer with a .22 can be considered inhumane but I know for a fact that some have done it and I know that those who do placed the shot where needed to take down the animal. A .22 gives you the opportunity to practice like a madman, allows you to easily store enough ammo for not only yourself but also your kids kids.
If you know of anyone that is just starting the prepping journey then start them off with a .22 and a reliable handgun.
Water Storage.
My quick and dirty research on water storage shows exactly how far behind I am behind like thinking people. Between those that have setup rainwater collection systems, to those that have some pretty elaborate automatic refill systems of their standard storage to those that not only have all of the above but also are growing food hydroponically and one family even transformed their swimming pool to a self sustaining mini-fishing pond.
I/We/US (I mean me and my readers that think like I do--if you don't cool, I don't hate, we just part ways on this subject) have alot to do. Links coming up on some of the projects that just blew me away.