Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Peace Dividend? Not a chance.

A little news...
China, India and Vietnam are gearing up for a fight over the Spratly Islands.  India announced that they were prepared to defend their interests, Vietnam claimed that a Chinese company was sabatoging its fishing boats and would defend its rights to the chain and China was being China.  Basically the Chinese believe that all should bow to the rising power.

If that wasn't enough, then check out the following pics from the Poder.Naval Blog.

Yeah that's right boys and girls.  The Iranians are building a new class of Frigates and I believe that's a new patrol boat alongside.  Additionally they're building (or refurbing) what looks like some model of British Hovercraft and lets not forget the little funky blue sub.

We can all joke but they're building a navy that is specifically designed to fight asymmetrically

So yeah.  If you thought you might be looking at a peace dividend in the next couple of years you can think again.  The world is an even more dangerous place now.