Saturday, December 15, 2012

Quick reminder about the Clinton Gun Ban.

Everyone is pointing to the Clinton Gun Ban as a great time in American history.  What everyone forgets is that same gun ban led to the rise of the militias (hardcore militias).  If that ban is reinstated then I personally know of entire neighborhoods that would have to be searched in order to collect all the weapons.

I know of some guys that even have weapons buried in PVC pipe.

Gun sales will explode, ammo will rush off the shelves and you'll have 50 years of gun sales happen in a matter of months.  And those people will go under ground with them.  There is no way that the ATF, FBI and National Guard could search all the homes necessary to put the genie back in the bottle.

Last but not least the President's agenda will be crushed.  Implementing Obama Care and fighting off all the pissed people because of the increase in insurance premiums would be enough to keep any administration occupied but add Amnesty for illegals, Climate Change that some are pushing, the economy still struggling, trouble overseas and the unforeseen stuff that always pops up, I JUST DON'T SEE HOW THEY CAN FIT IT IN WITHOUT SACRIFICING SOMETHING ELSE!


  1. You forgot the Southern Border Situation. I know many have laughed at secessionist talk that sprouted up post election. But can you real see the good citizens of Arizona giving anything up with the shit hole that is Mexico right next door?

    1. good point as usual.

      no one wanted to talk about the economy during the election but the fact is things are still bad. as long as things are as dicey as they are no one will give up their guns.

    2. "as long as things are as dicey as they are no one will give up their guns" And we will give them up when?


  2. I hope he goes after the guns, I pray he does it, but he won't - not directly, because his overriding drive in life is to spend, and the Republicans are playing into his hands on that issue.

    1. What good would it do to go after guns? Are you one of those misguided imbecils who think criminals obey the law?

    2. Drake is just thinking strategically about the Obama agenda. not speaking for him but the line of thinking that he's proposing goes like this....if Obama goes after guns then he'll get so bogged down and lose so much political capital and probably lose anyway that it'll destroy his second term before it even gets started.

  3. There are simply too many "pre-ban" weapons, magazines, and stores of ammo for any kind of Clinton ban to work. In 1994, the country was asleep. Conservatives are no longer sleeping.

    I too hope he takes a strong stance against guns, not just "scary black rifles" but all guns. Bellafonte already said what the leftists want. It's time for the Liberals to tip their hand.

    The nuance of it might be "automatic" (a stupid word for a reporter to use when they don't know what it means) "assault rifles" and will gain support. But folks need to think that over. 2A recognizes our natural right to balance the power of gov.

    You can't stand up to a modern army (or militarized police force) with revolvers and bolt guns. If there's any hope for freedom we need our high-capacity "automatic" weapons.

    1. An automatic weapon is ID'ed as one that with one pull of the trigger shoots more than one bullet.
      A single shot, single barrel shotgun under this description is a fully automatic weapon. It uses one single trigger pull to shoot bird and buck shot which is considered multiple bullets being fired.
      It's bullshit of course much like the AR-15 ban rules. In their eyes a rifle with a large magazine (ie; has more than one round carried) a bayonet stud, a pistol grip, and the ever deadly flash suppressor.
      Bellafonte spoke truth from the liberal heart, Obama wants to rule and make his enemies disappear. The Democrats feel the same.

  4. That's exactly what I was thinking Sol;)

  5. Resident Author here...

    My comment needs approval--it was too controversial for Google.

  6. Feelings will over rule the brain in most American's minds, never seeing that had a citizen with a CCW been allowed in school and was armed the killing would have stopped sooner. Feelings will bring about the gun ban and kill the 2d amendment.
    In order to implement a gun ban/confiscation the 4th and 5th amendments must be killed also.
    That's a slippery slope to dictator on a stick or the gas chambers for the resistors.
    Obama has a mandate and a can do what ever he wants, no one is gonna criticize, arrest, impeach or even attempt to stop "THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT IN AMERICAN HISTORY" it looks like Obama is going to go for it. I expect when he does some folks will resist, if he goes in hard like they did at Ruby Ridge or Waco perhaps POTUS will get that reason to declare martial law. This whole damn bag of shit may just explode in his face!
    I don't know about other areas BUT right at 1800 EST everyone in my surrounding area started shooting their firearms, it sounded like the fourth of July!
    Independence day, Them ol' boys are gonna come down out of the hills and make that Stand by the rude bridge on April morn.

  7. Here "they" have started to focus on how much ammunition he had stockpiled. Obviously the military have missed a trick that "they" have spotted. Silly military! All you have to do to win any war is give a soldier thousands and thousands of rounds, more than the number issued to a soldier on the other team, and you will. Crap!!! Crap!!! Crap!!! It doesn't matter how many rounds he had stockpiled. One shooter can only do so much before he succumbs to superior numbers. He can only carry so much. Real life isn't a Rambo film. Nobody focussing on school security here. You can't walk into an office or factory without going through security. Yet a school just has a locked door and a female administrator. Why are the parents mad at those who they entrusted their children to? This is all going to end badly. The Left are dancing on the graves of the children to summon the downfall of all. It is sick.

  8. Keep up the good work Solomon,

    Free Americans need to mobilise and mobilise now, the leftists are moving to violate one of the fundamental underpinnings of the constitution and they are moving fast: stopping them is going to be one hell of a fight but we should remember the words of Reagan:

    'You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, "There is a price we will not pay." "There is a point beyond which they must not advance."'

    1. thanks brother...i think this is the place where they turn alot of good people into criminals. when that happens it makes me wonder. whats next?


    I see Obama is milking it for all he can. What is with the Left and ambulance chasing? How can they praise revolution as a natural then demand others give up the tools to enable revolution to happen? Hypocritical. Cynical. Pernicious. Vulgar. Perverted.

  10. Apparently parents from the school have been shopping for guns to protect their families in the future. Has anybody else heard similar?

    And there is a lot of talk about it be too onerous to ask teachers to be armed. Seeing how those ladies ran to the sound of that gun to protect those poor innocents I think the answer is evident. Further there is talk that an armed teacher may accidentally shoot a student or a staff member and may ultimately get killed anyway. To my mind that reads no chance is better than any chance.

  11. There are things we can fix and things we cannot. It should be clear by now that guns are ubiquitous and cannot be controlled. Some great comments here already so I won't belabor the point, but knee-jerk reaction to violent events is the type of short-sightedness that got us into Iraq, Afghanistan, and wars on crime, terror, women, and drugs. A war on guns would be fiscally unsound,impossible to regulate, and would, like the prohibition of alcohol, result in a thriving underground market. And further gun regulations would not tackle the real issue with mass shootings.

    The secret, I feel, is addressing the sad state of mental health and declining communication competence in this nation. Every large city has problems with the sheer numbers of developmentally disabled and clearly insane persons that frequent emergency rooms and city jails for a warm meal, a blanket, and some medicines. If you don't believe me, ask an E.R. nurse in your community where the biggest hospital waste occurs. We do not diagnose mental illness young enough. We do little to prevent school bullying, address childhood negative self-image, or other destructive socializing practices. Mass killings are the product of a failed mental health system, not the firearm industry. If the President wants to commission a true blue-ribbon panel, it should not investigate the availability of guns, it should seek to discover why parents, clergy, teachers, and friends didn't recognize and report anti-social behavior in the shooter, which may have prevented the Sandy Hook and Clackamas events (among others).

    Just a few thoughts...

  12. Anybody that thinks a new gun ban will somehow keep guns out of the hands of criminals is RETARDED!

    Anybody that thinks a new gun ban will somehow save lives is RTARDED!

    Anybody that thinks DemoRats are doing a good job is RETARDED!

    Anybody that thinks you need a gun to kill people IS retarded!

    9/11/01 Over 3000 lives lost without a single shot fired!

    September 13, 1994 The Federal Assault Weapons Ban a federal law in the United States that included a prohibition on the manufacture for civilian use of certain semi-automatic firearms, so called "assault weapons". The 10-year ban was passed by a democratic Congress on September 13, 1994

    4/19/1995 Gun ban in place! Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people and injured over 800 without a single shot fired!

    Holms killed 12 people with an ar-15 if he used a truck bomb he would have killed a lot more people likely all 200 in that theater and 200 more in the next! Thank God he only had an AR-15 If the DemoRats had already banned them he would have been forced to think out of the box.

    Guns are illegal to own in Mexico, and yet they have had over 60,000 gun deaths since 2006! Take guns away from lawful citizens only cops and criminals will have them. How does that make us safer?

    1. Anybody who calls people retarded for having a differing opinion than him on any issue is not only ignorant, but un-American. You're making such a great point with you post here, why did you have to ruin it by being a jackass. People like you just give the people who disagree with us ammunition to consider us "gun toting rednecks" Ignorant people who have the mental capacity of of a 10 year old. Stop name calling! it makes you sound so juvenile and idiotic. Everything past the last time you wrote "retarded" is great. We'll win this fight with information, not with name calling. There are people that believe more gun regulation will help. And the only way they're going to change their mind is if you give them reasons to, not call them retarded.


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