Monday, December 17, 2012

Sunshine Patriots and people with situational ethics.

I hope to wind down the commentary on the school shooting but before I do I have to ask...

Are you a sunshine patriot?

Explain how the actions of one deranged individual suddenly makes it alright to shred the constitution and trample on the rights of many of your fellow American citizens.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

I keep listening to the debate about this issue and one thing stands out.  People are afraid.  Instead of learning tactics and techniques that could help protect themselves from predators in society, they are instead choosing to disarm an entire nation.

That is just wrong. 


  1. 1. "Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."~Thomas Jefferson
    2. "Those who trade liberty for security have neither." ~ John Adams
    3. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.
    4. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.
    5. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them.
    6. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.
    7. You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.
    8. Know guns, know peace, know safety.
    No guns, no peace, no safety.
    9. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.
    10. Assault is a behavior, not a device.
    11. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.
    12. The United States Constitution (c) 1791. All Rights Reserved.
    13. The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others.
    14. What part of 'shall not be infringed' do you NOT understand?
    15. Guns have only two enemies; rust and politicians.

    1. love it. i hope that the weak among us grow a backbone and follow the thoughts of the founders.

  2. Its a very polarising subject but as a comment from across the pond I wonder if the issue isn't actually firearms but peoples mental health and the right of those people with obvious but ignored mental health issues to have access to them?

    Have seen a few comments on that this week but it seems to have been drowned out in the shouting from both sides of the gun control argument.

    Everything you read about these people points very clearly to them having been failed by the US mental health system

    1. yeah but to be honest i am so tired of people trying to tell me that what i do for preparedness or recreation is wrong...and then i watch the govt react to disasters or trouble and its always late, wrong and makes people less than what they are.


  4. On the whole I used to like this blog.

    I'm a former submariner and a big supporter of the F-35 in all it's variants. Quite early on after discovering SNAFU it was obvious that you were a gun nut, but who am I to judge - most of your posts were interesting with equally interesting links.

    After the events in Connecticut and your shallow, lame, prepper defenses of every crazy in this world having access to all the firepower they can carry, I realise that you are in fact not just a gun nut, but someone who seems to have an unbalanced personality.

    You and your strange commenters do not offer any workable solution to the problem of our this great country being awash in easily accessible fire arms. Your all are, in fact part of the problem. I'm done with you.

    1. carry your ass you son of a bitch. if you think that hiding in a closet while a madman rampages is the solution then you deserve everything that happens to you and yours. additionally if you think that this renewed gun debate will do anything but stir up a fire then you're being naive. if this was a monarchy then guess what. you could get it rammed through but everyone realizes that this is gonna be a hellacious under taking.

      real questions that you and yours will never answer are...

      1. why are the many always required to give up rights because of the failings of a few.

      2. why do you believe that a policeman, that doesn't know you will lay it all on the line to save you and your family when we've seen just the opposite in all these mass shootings? in 99.9 percent of them they aren't killed by police, they kill themselves after the rampage. to expect a policeman to save you is crazy.

      3. if its illegal to have a gun at school and this guy had a gun anyway then how will gun control work without confiscation

      4. if you confiscate weapons in this country do you actually believe that you won't run into some WACO's and RUBY RIDGES'

      bye Polaris. i won't miss you at all.

    2. "bye Polaris. i won't miss you at all."

      I doubt anybody else will either. Notice people like Polaris never suggest confiscating all cell phones and cars despite them being responsible for far more deaths than guns. I guess in their mind it's okay to kill a child as long as they get to keep their iphone.

  5. Tougher gun control laws will not prevent this stuff from happening. Just look at Europe - the UK had at three high profile shootings in the 80's and 90's. Oh, and let's not forget about Norway - 77 dead.

    Evil people do evil shit regardless.


  6. This may not mean anything to anyone else, but if you noticed Polaris spelled Realise with a "s" and not a "z". Obviously, he has European 'guns are bad' brain washing going on. What does being a submariner have to do with anything? Dork.


    1. he's one of those "guys" that believes that saying a certain thing in public makes him right...the only thing is he has to put his finger in the air to determine exactly what he thinks.

  7. If this had been bus accident or some other accident, we'd have heard some lame stories about bus safety and forgotten about it, but because some douchebag stole firearms from his mother and committed murder, we can't escape from this crap.

    polaris was full of shit in June and he is full of shit now. I wrote in response to his crap.

    "There are over 70 million gun owners in the US. We experience about 9-12k homicides a year, 15000 suicides and about 1100 accidents resulting in a death.
    Taking out the suicides (firearm are the incidental method, the cause is mental illness), that means we have about 13k firearms homicides.

    We have about 45k automobile related deaths each year in the US. One third of those involve alcohol. That means we tolerate 15k traffic deaths due to drunk driving.

    We don't bat an eye at drunk driving or automobile deaths in our society, and the vast majority of simply accept it as the cost we pay for having access to alcohol and vehicles. We could easily require manufacturer's to install breathalyzer ignitions or develop technology that detects erratic driving, but we don't. Why? Drunk driving deaths, while tragic, are considered acceptable losses.

    But firearms deaths? "Firearms are dangerous and should be banned".
    More lives in the US have been adversely affected by alcohol-related traffic accidents than those affected by firearms deaths, but 'guns are the problem'. As a Malthusian population control factor, guns don't have anything on our own socially permissible vices.

    1. great points but answer this for me. more and more people are carrying concealed. more people are attending firearms courses and doing 3 gun etc...the only people that are fully on board with this stuff appear to be those on the two coasts. how are they gonna pass it and then confiscate weapons if 50 percent of the population is against it?

  8. The thing is we're never going to ban abortion in this country again. It's established law and the conservative justices all believe in precedent and are on record saying it's going to be overturned. So the left is just scoring political points when they try and scare women into believing the Republican party is going to outlaw abortion. Reagan did nothing whatsoever against abortion except make speeches, and sign it into law as governor. The left on this issue is irrational.

    It's a bit like this on the right with gun control. Yes there are many millions of people that would happily see us disarmed. There's still the 2nd Amendment, established constitutional law on the subject, and how extremely difficult it is to change the Constitution. It's not going to happen. In fact if we were all more secure in our rights then we'd possibly be more comfortable with some useful restrictions especially for those who are mentally disturbed but not legally incompetent.

    As an aside when I get Obama is going to sign a UN treaty to take away our guns email, and I've gotten it a dozen times lol, I just laugh. The Senate ratifies treaties and requires a 2/3rds vote AND treaties don't trump the Constitution. In other words that whole Obama UN treaty gun thing is delusional. It's all just political scare tactics like most modern politics.

    1. that should be not going to be overturned...

    2. thats all well and good but the question must be asked. when do you get out of the comfortable middle and decide to take a stand on an issue? you can laugh at the UN treaty but be advised. only the western nations actually follow the garbage that comes out of that oganization.

      people are alarmed and they have a right to be. remember the "common wisdom" that the Democrats would never pass a law re-arranging US medical care on a legislative gimmick? they did. remember the common wisdom that the President didn't have the power to grant what amounts to be amnesty to the children of illegals? he did it anyway.

      so forgive me and those like me that are unabashed supporters of the 2nd amendment for deciding that this is a line that will not be crossed without opposition.

  9. Sol you might want to reconsider the need for quite so many confrontational answers, then gain maybe it's just your style. The notion that I'm in the "middle" and that I need "take a stand" is an interesting perception on your part.

    Wasn't it clear that I firmly believe that I have an absolute right, under the Constitution to own a gun(s), and further that this right is not in danger? On my list of things to worry about it doesn't make the top 100. It shouldn't be making yours either.

    To amend the Constitution you need a 2/3rds vote of BOTH houses of Congress AND 2/3rds of the states. The 2nd Amendment isn't in danger and the stand I've chosen to take is to spend my time on other things.

    When there is any movement whatsoever on actually amending the Constitution regarding the 2nd Amendment then I'll be concerned. Till then I refuse to get excited over a non issue. YMMV.

    1. THAT WAS TONED DOWN! quite seriously i'm reaching a point of constant boil about the "middle"..the reality is you are either for or against. you either do or you don't but the comfortable middle in this debate is an infringement of my rights when I DID NOTHING WRONG! how many times do i as an individual have to suffer because of the actions of another? that's boot camp bullshit, not real life or rather it shouldnt' be real life.

      i get suffer nasal congestion...guess what? the most effective drug available to let me clear it up now requires a prescription! i did nothing wrong but i'm inconveinced.

      that's what the middle gets you. collective thinking and a eroding of individual rights.


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