Monday, December 24, 2012

Syria just went chemical.

This is via Naval Open Source Intelligence.

If Syria has gone chemical then this is an escalation that can't be ignored by the West.

The response will probably entail the use of Special Forces to lead the rebels and maybe Rangers or MARSOC conducting raids.  Either way this is going to get messy...and that's whether we get involved or not.

The more I think about this the more chilling it becomes.  First try and keep Israel from going crazy and bombing someone back to the stone ages when the threat of these weapons getting into terrorist hands is so high.  Next imagine what will happen if AQ gets ahold of some of this stockpile.  Our guys will wish for the days when all they had to worry about were snipers and IED's.  Imagine conducting combat operations in MOPP level 1?  Heat casualties will skyrocket but what could a commander do if he has credible intel on terrorist mixing mustard gas with IED's?

Two days before the celebrated birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and they pull this.
