Friday, December 07, 2012

This is pretty cool

This is pretty cool.

But wait some of you will say.  Sol!  You were bitching about Marines dancing in videos earlier why is this cool?

The reason is simple.  These Marines aren't downrange, they're not providing support to other Marines out at Forward Operating Bases and they're not consumed by the war effort.

Left unsaid after the attack on our Squadron was the simple fact that while time was taken to put up vids on YouTube, base defenses were obviously unsat.

That's why MWR sponsored displays like this are a totally different kettle of fish than the stuff we saw coming out of Afghanistan.


  1. I assume you've seen what good old Psy-boy was singing about American troops and their families back in 2004? I assume these Marines wouldn't have done this skit if they were aware.

    Psy is obviously happy to take American dollars now. He's apologized and tried to blame on misinterpretation and youthful ignorance. But he was in his late 20s then and knew damn well what he was saying. What a scumbag.

    1. i heard about it a few minutes ago.

      but you can't toss a rock in Asia and find someone THAT HASN"T protested US troops in their country. its almost a rite of passage for the Koreans and Japanese. not saying its right just saying its common. besides the little fucker is a rapper that speaks a foreign language. he's for entertainment purposes only. once his 15min are up he goes back to being irrelevant just like me. so to get at your point i don't slam the band Marines for doing the song.

    2. Well, I definitely don't slam anybody for doing the song before they knew about his protest songs. I really enjoyed his dumb little song before today. I had no idea before today about his anti-American stuff.

      But his protest song specifically called for the slow and painful murder of the mothers and daughters of American troops. Seems a bit more than the normal "War is bad, yankee go home" protest song.

      Maybe there's some cultural, linguistic translation that I'm not getting. But singing a song about killing the children of US troops seems way beyond the pale.

    3. wait what?! i heard he protested, i ASSUMED it was about troops in his country....not about painfully killing women and chiildren...ok. time to Google this little bastard.

  2. Here's a post by Ace of Spades about it.


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