Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Your responsibility to be ready for the fight never ends...

James Yeager, a firearms instructor takes a few people to task.  I don't think the Liberals realize the fire storm that they've unleashed.  They've had the ground for several days with zombie journalism...I mean seriously?  Interviewing a 5 year old boy right after a tragedy?  That's BULLSHIT!  But on the gun rights issue, if the Democrats and weak Republicans push this through then there will be hell to pay.


  1. Rightly or wrongly James Yeager does not have a great reputation, but now is not the time for division, now is the time to stand together.

    The liberals might only come for the black rifles and the 30 round mags this time but be in no doubt they will be back for your handguns, then for your bolt guns and then for your rimfires. There can be no compromise.

    1. Why do you need high capacity mags?

    2. Why do you need a car that goes over the designated speed limit?
      Why do you need alcohol?
      Why do you need chocolate?
      Why do you need a TV?
      etc, etc, etc

  2. Maybe I missed the point here?

    Is he complaining that the price of 30 round mags has shot up?

    If so, I'm afraid thats simple supply and demand economics.
    The supply has remained constant, in that no new factories have been built making 30 round mags, although they could increase it a bit with extra shifts and such.
    However, given the threat of a ban, demand has jumped.

    There are more buyers than there are mags.

    There are two solutions.

    Solution One
    Price rises and the richest get them

    Solution Two
    Rationing, the most "deserving" get them

    See Holodomor for examples of farmers starving when the most deserving got their crops...

    But I may have missed the point

    1. there is no scarcity right now is his point. his point is that these are suppose to be the friends of the gun community and we don't expect our vendors to act that way. we have seen this before and when the threat is over these same vendors expect for the gun community to come back and support them when they didn't support us. that's the point!

    2. "there is no scarcity right now is his point."

      Have you ordered any mags in the past week?
      I'm guessing a significantly larger number or people would answer "yes" this week, than would have last week.
      Hence, scarcity

      In a week, or a month, or whenever, that scarcity will go.

      But the reality is the price goes up or the item goes out of stock.

      Unless of course sales havent jumped, in which case CTDs sales will collapse, and prices will fall quickly

  3. “Stand your ground; don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.”
    >Captain John Parker April 19, 1775<
    Mexico will smuggle arms and magazines that are banned across an undefended and unclosable border, just as they do with human's and drugs.
    There will never be a gun free environment in the United States no matter how much hoplophobes and liberals scream, no matter how many or how tough the laws are.
    There will never be a time when American's will give up all their firearms and no amount of simple police work will take them.
    To ban and confiscate firearms the US government will have to attack the problem and American citizens the same way they attacked Falluja and the Korengal valley, there will be areas that the US government will be unable to go without active combat patrols but then it won't be firearms facing them it will be IEDS, booby traps and an enraged citizenry who will consider the US government an aggressor. American soldiers will be shooting and be shot at and wounded and killed by American citizens, Military units could defect and then you would have two or more military establishments fighting with each other, in short a civil war. It may not be a big war but it will be a forever war every bit as violent and bloody as Libya or Egypt and Syria. Every gun owner will not abide by this illegal and unconstitutional act by the people who were supposedly sworn to uphold and protect the constitution of the United States. Many people will join the fight just to fight, many, a great many already hate the American government enough to fight back. Little acts of guerrilla war would be continuous.
    When the 2d, 4th, and 5th amendments are curtailed or repealed the United States of America will no longer exist and then all it's laws will be moot.
    Some things are worth fighting for and Freedom is not free.
    I wish it wasn't so, I wish it doesn't come to pass but I know it will start an avalanche of anti government feelings in every sportsman, hunter or shooter in the nation. hell, the whitetail Deer hunters in my area are mad as hell and they don't normally even use 30 rd magazines!
    By the Rude bridge on April morn, embattled farmers stood, and fired the shots heard round the world.


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