Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Law Enforcement Official tells it like it is.

via the Bayou Man Blog.  Just a tidbit.
Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. set off alarm bells Friday with a radio spot some view as a call for citizens to arm themselves.

In the radio ad, Clarke tells residents personal safety isn't a spectator sport anymore, and that "I need you in the game."

"With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option," Clarke intones.

"You could beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or you can fight back."

Clarke urges listeners to take a firearm safety course and handle a firearm "so you can defend yourself until we get there."

"You have a duty to protect yourself and your family. We're partners now. Can I count on you?"
Absolutely spot on.

A man that depends on another man to protect him is not a man.  He's a child.  An infant.  A servant.  BUT HE IS NOT A MAN.

I've watched Chris Matthews (NBC News Guy) who constantly praises those that are "here to protect me" and I cringe every time.  I have never seen a man as soft, feminine and impotent as he is.

Its up to me and you to protect our society.  Get training.  Get in shape.  And then gun up.  


  1. Having been a cop now for 10 + years, I can say that I could not agree with this more. I work for the largest agency in a rural part of the country. We just went to minimum 3 staffing. Our town is 80 + square miles with over 200 miles of road. It's dumb luck if we are very close to a crime in progress. The surrounding towns only have 1 officer on usually, if they have a police force at all. The county sheriff office does not work all night, and there may only be 1 or two troopers out covering half the county. People need to be able to protect themselves and their families. I haven't met a cop yet that would disagree. And I can garun-damn-tee you that I will not be helping the current occupant of the White House when he decides to attempt disarmament.

    1. well thanks for your service and i'd be proud to call you a neighbor and a friend. thanks for those words of not supporting the illegality that the White House and his supporters are pushing.

      i have to remind myself (and others) that many of the people wearing badges are still on the side of matter how they try and spin things in DC.

    2. Yes, sir--thank you!

      My only hope is that people put the current disarmament efforts together with decreased LE presence and increased "unrest."


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