Tuesday, January 08, 2013

And gun owners continue to gear up. Build your own unregistered AR-15.


  1. I think we have moved past "Gun Control" to something a bit more serious. When all this blew up I will admit that I thought it was all a bit to convenient. And I joked with several Americans that you wait see if Obama doesn't try to engineer a third term; if the 2nd can be skipped over why not the 22nd? And guess what,


    You can't make it up can you? Constitutionally I know two thirds of all states have to pass a change. As do two thirds of the house. But heck if they can ignore the 2nd most important amendment ignoring another one won't trouble them will it? Wow. Just wow.

  2. He maybe he'll try that via Executive Order. He seems to get away with a lot of shit with those and nobody in Congress has the balls to stop him. I'm guessing he'll grab everything he can *until* he finds the limit.


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