Saturday, January 26, 2013

Centauro 155.

I once gave the tip of the hat to the Germans for producing the most innovative armored vehicles.  They're still top notch but the Italians are definitely in the ball park.  The spaghetti eaters (I say it with love...lighten up) appear to be focusing a great deal on wheeled vehicle development and the Centauro class is worth a serious look.  Its the heaviest wheeled vehicle class in the West (possibly the world...I need to check) and they're extending the lineup beyond the Tank Destroyer to a whole family of vehicles.  The images below are of the Centauro 155 and the last pic is a lineup of the current Centauro family.

NOTE:  The guys at BAE USA claim that the Super AV is based off this vehicle and I can't dispute that...however consider the mods made to it to make it a super swimmer I can't help but consider it a distant...lets say 3rd cousin.


  1. Isnt this the vehicle that the italians are selling the russian army?I would not buy the SuperAV just fot that...

  2. I believe Super AV is 'based on' the Centauro in the sense that design innovation and experience from the Centauro was used, but not any Centauro parts as they are separate vehicle families. The APC version of the Centauro is the VBM Freccia, which is not amphibious.

    Also 'heaviest' as in weight? I think the Boxer is actually about the same in it's light version (25 tonnes) and heavier in its uparmored versions. If you mean 'heavy' in the sense of gun armament, it's up there with the 120mm and 155mm versions.

    Rooikat is also a little heavier if you count SA as the "west". Speaking of which, the wheeled record holder for weight and armament is still, I believe, the SA G6 self propelled gun. That thing's a beast.

  3. Where to do you see German innovation in armored vehicle design?

  4. While the G6 is a lot heavier, with the L52 it's almost 50 tons, it's worth pointing out it's a different system. Italy chose the 155/52 for it's heavy forces (PzH2000) and opted for this Italian system for it's medium weight forces to save money and create more jobs in Italy. One can make an argument that medium weight forces are better served with towed 155/52 systems, or perhaps one of the truck based ones, vs self propelled 155/39 based systems. The range difference is more than significant.

    Consider that a 155/39 can fire an Excalibur M982 out to around 40km vs 60km with a 155/52. Denel has fired a 155/52 round from the G6 that goes 73km. The trend in many nations has been toward the 155/52.


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