Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Demand A Plan? Demand Celebrities Go F*ck Themselves


  1. This is as silly as how some pointed out that Schwarzenegger committed 513 kills on screen, therefore not suitable for public office. It's amazing to see how creative conservative Americans are when it comes to protecting status quo.

    1. Yeah. Damn them for protecting Constitutional Rights. The same crowd whining about the 2nd would shit bricks if there were a similar orchestrated attack on the 1st. Fucking hypocrites.

  2. Great video. It's important to call out the leftist Obama-scum for the fascist maggots they are.

  3. The movies these actors are in are viewed all over the western world but only in one country is the gun violence totally out of control.

    1. more people are killed by bats and hammers in this country. you just want a magical pill to make the fear go away and you think that by making everyone as impotent as you are that suddenly everything will be alright.

      all you're going to do is make sure that criminals have guns, that any man that works out is able to beat the shit out of a female and she won't be able to defend herself and that the old are victims of the young.

      instead of manning up and getting weapons training you would rather ATTEMPT to disarm everyone in the failed belief that it will make you safer. you ignore history and human nature ...you forget that the first murder was committed with a club. you forget that since the beginning man has been making weapons.

      no. you just want to be a stupid little man.


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