Friday, January 04, 2013

Dems lose in Illinois on gun ban!

via Quad City Times

SPRINGFIELD — There’s not enough support in the Illinois Senate to impose tough new restrictions on semiautomatic weapons and high-capacity ammunition clips.In a setback for gun-control advocates in the wake of the killings of school children in Connecticut, the Illinois Senate was poised to adjourn Thursday without voting on two pieces of legislation aimed at limiting access to certain kinds of weapons and bullets.Although the two proposals could emerge again when the legislature reconvenes next week, the lack of action shows the General Assembly remains divided on how to balance Second Amendment issues.A spokeswoman for Senate President John Cullerton, D-Chicago, offered no timetable for when the gun safety proposals might surface again.“We will take some time to work on these important issues to advance them in the near future,” Rikeesha Phelon noted in a message to reporters.One proposal would restrict the possession, delivery, sale and transfer of semiautomatic weapons, including handguns and rifles.
If you can't make it happen in Illinois then things aren't as bad as I thought.  President Obama's seat of power...home of one of the most corrupt, left leaning nanny city's in the nation and they can't win here.


People are recognizing this for what it is.  Its not about gun control.  Its about people control.  A man with a gun is a citizen.  Without one he's a subject.