Monday, January 07, 2013

Don't fear the obvious. I'm just the messenger.

A few points.

You can't ignore the number of weapons being bought by the American people.  Next, you can hate Buchanan all you want but he is tapped into a portion of the population that is constantly ignored.  Staunch conservatives.  Also, notice how the language is changing on this subject.  The emphasis from the gun grabbers is now all about not taking guns and wanting reasonable controls.

I've said this will get ugly and by the continued talk, its designed to focus attention on another issue besides the anemic economy.

But what should worry everyone and no one is talking about it is the fact that the most famous domestic terrorist, Timothy McVeigh, was motivated to act because of actions by the ATF at Ruby Ridge and Waco.

In both those cases the ATF sought to arrest gun owners and those arrests spiraled out of control and law enforcement officials were injured and killed.  Both events were the result of the ATF enforcing the first assault weapons ban.

The worry for law enforcement in general and ATF in particular isn't that the law might be defeated, but that it might pass.  The exact same conditions that led to the rise of the militias and the fear of domestic terrorism are being played out.

Quite honestly its probably to a point where some soul is becoming radicalized while we speak.

That's the danger.


  1. I too have noticed the language has changed from "banning" to "controlling"

  2. If it does happen we all should get some of these:


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