Thursday, January 10, 2013

In his own words. Eric Holder.

Thanks Michael.  This says it all...

The Attorney General does NOT want to  defend a constitutional right but to categorize it in the same way as cigarette smoking.  If that's not bad enough he wants to brain wash the public.

If you haven't already write your Congressman.  Call their office.  Don't be confused.  This is a regional issue..where gun bans are favored they already have them.  They want to control the conservative parts of the nation.  They want the 2nd amendment repealed.  They want gun confiscations. They want Australia on steroids.

Don't let it happen!


  1. sol,

    your kidding, right, he was talking about gang crime pure & simple.

    he's talking about kids & young adults, thinking it's cool to carry a gun.

    you'll never win simply by misrepresenting a clip from 1995, trying to make out that he's talking about anything else than gun crime by gangs.

  2. No he is linking violence and guns. And I interpret "carrying" to mean "owning". And brainwash is a dangerous term to use. It is re-education. I find it fascinating when educated blacks talk about disarming society; do they not their own history? As we know to our cost that an absence of guns doesn't stop street violence amongst certain sections of certain UK populations.

    1. steve,

      no, i'm talking about, kids thinking they should carry, illegally, to gain respect.

      your right, lack of a guns, doesn't curtail violence, but it acts, to curb, the perps, ability, to carry out, said violence.


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