Sunday, January 06, 2013

Its a military thing...

Maybe its a Marine thing.

Maybe its a military thing.

More than likely its a patriotic thing.  More than a few like minded people are beyond pissed about this gun control thing.  Take note of this letter to the California Yetti...

A U.S. Marine outraged by recent attention to gun control fired off a letter to a California senator to say he refuses to give up his weapons if her legislation is passed.Cpl. Joshua Boston, whose eight-year service included time in Afghanistan, wrote that Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has “overstepped a line that is not your domain” by introducing a bill to ban assault weapons.
I can almost smell the fear from the anti-gunners.  I can feel their dread.  I like it!  Read the entire article here. 


  1. I read the article. But some of the comments made me puke. Especially the "soldier" who didn't know the definition of assault rifle.

    1. Keep in mind that the Liberal machine pays people to span comments sections in an attempt to further their narrative and agenda. Hence the power of the silent majority is constantly understated.

      You will see "sportsmen" asking why anyone needs a 30 bullet clip. And supposed veterans questioning why assault rifles are legal.

      In my local media the story of the mother who shot the intruder five times was posted. 74 comments, 99% of them pro-gun and "hell yeah", one them a paid shill. He contradicted himself and outright lied. He attempted to discredit other posters who were just average folks.

      All part of the Alinsky method.


    2. RA,

      I think you're exactly right. but even with the media machine to help they're not getting any traction on this gun control issue and all they'e doing is stirring up a hornets nest on the right. i am more and more convinced that they really don't know what they're doing and they're really under estimating the amount of resistance that they're going to get.

      this whole issue is gonna blow up in there faces and its going to spell doom for a bunch of other issues that they really care about. there are a bunch of so called gun guys that are wobbly and trying to play the sensible middle bullshit but they're going to be called out too.

      this might be the spark that blows it all up.

  2. The definition is not "Anti Gun".

    It is anti defence.

    Naked under the gun.

    Like Ukraine/Russia 1910/1990.

    Are you naked like UKplc USofAcorp?

    Where is your OGPU/NKVD/KGP?

    1. all is good in UK plc, we've never been invaded for several hundred years & live under a rather pathetic leader called old davie boy, who blows with the wind & doesn't have any backbone, don't really need to fear him, maybe we should fear the SNP, tho.

      but, i make fun, guns haven't been part of British culture, anywhere near the level of the U.S.

      I do think we went too far,in banning them, but, that ship has sailed.


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