Friday, January 11, 2013

James got slammed.

MSNBC is reporting that the Tennessee State Police have rescinded James Yeagers concealed carry permit.

Don't feel good about this.

Some will take this as a call to arms.  Still others will think that the fight is on.  Some will go further down the road to being radicalized.

This will get nasty.


  1. I'm 2A die-hard, but Yeager's own mouth got him into this. You cannot say "I'm gonna start killing people" and expect law enforcement not to take it seriously.

    They aren't going to go after him head-on, they're going to come at him sideways. Now the authorities will wait for him to do something stupid like carrying a concealed weapon w/o a permit and then he goes to jail.

    Or maybe he gets audited or his business fined.

    1. they're gonna go after his business. and they're gonna win. but like i said, it isn't the loud mouths that should worry ..its the guys that are quiet and pissed and actually ready to do bad things.

  2. James Yeager or should I call him Kenny Powers got what he deserved. And this clown wanted to lead the revolution? The fact as a former cop he couldn't think two steps ahead and foresee the result of his little tirade, speaks volumes.


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