Thursday, January 10, 2013

More US Army PAC-3's...

I've made some suggestions on how the US Army can get into the fight in the Pacific.  They include highlighting Airborne and Light Infantry (forget about the 101st..too heavy, and not optimized) instead of its Stryker Brigades, allocating additional UAVs and OH-58's to the theater and last by providing Anti-Air/Anti-Missile defense to any and all that ask for it.

Seems like the Army might have gotten at least part of the message.  Via Lockheed Martin Press Release.

DALLAS, Jan. 10, 2013 – Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] received a contract totaling $755 million from the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command for hardware and services associated with the combat-proven PATRIOT Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) Missile Segment program.  The contract includes Fiscal Year 2013 (FY‘13) missile and command launch system production for the U.S. Army and a follow-on sale of the PAC-3 Missile to Taiwan. In 2009, Taiwan became the fifth international customer for the PAC-3 Missile. The contract includes production of 168 hit-to-kill PAC-3 Missiles, 27 launcher modification kits and associated tooling, as well as program management and services. This is the 14th production buy of the PAC-3 Missile Segment by the U.S. government. “The PAC-3 Missile remains in demand from the U.S. and governments around the world,” said Richard McDaniel, vice president of PAC-3 programs at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control. “In fact, we continue to see expanding interest from all PATRIOT-using nations as well as from countries that want to acquire the PAC-3 Missile Segment for the first time.”

Taiwan is buying the missile.

So if this doesn't indicate that the threat from China isn't being realized then nothing will.  Taiwan, Japan, S. Korea, Singapore, Vietnam, Australia and even the US Military are all warming to the idea that the next big bad besides the economy is China (and perhaps they're one and the same).  I give it less than five years before we see a major naval incident in the S. Pacific.  Five short years.

Better buy more missiles.


  1. Asia is really getting fired up...
    Today,i read in a portuguese newspaper(Correio da manhã) that border guards from Pakistan shoot and killed 2 indian soldiers...and they cut their heads of...
    Have you read something about this?

    Here is one link to the news...

  3. Part of the Japanese increase involves further Patriot purchases to supplement their Standard missiles.

    If the Army wants to be relevant in the Pacific, in addition to developing light infantry units, it should:

    -prepare Patriot, THAAD and ATACMs batteries that are self-sufficient and rapidly deployable to airports in the Ryukyu Islands, Taiwan and the Phillipines.

    -partner with the USMC to acquire better air-defense weapons e.g. Kongsberg NASAMS 2, Avengers with AMRAAM, etc.

    -partner with USN to acquire and deploy ground-launched Harpoon batteries.

    -partner with USAF, USN to field new generation of supersonic anti-ship missiles.

    The first island chain with Patriot, THAAD, ATACMS and Harpoon batteries deployed, defended by light infantry with NASAMS 2, would make things pretty harry for the PLAN.

    we've seen exercise by the JSDF and USMC to re-take Islands, but the Army should be looking at deploying light infantry from Hawaii to Guam and flying via C-130 to smaller airfields in the Ryukyu islands as well.

    1. i can't even begin to argue your recommendations but you do know its a blast from the past! the Marine Corps once had island defense troops and what you're calling for is the same. regardless it sounds good!

    2. Yeah, but having Marines sit on an island sounds passive these days.

      The Army has been looking at MEADS like a red-headed step child. They ought to see it as the architecture that locks them into Air-Sea Battle. The ability to utilize PAC-3, THAAD, and network with AEGIS would be a major advantage. Add in NASAMS 2 and ATACMS capability, MEADS then becomes the glue that helps Army stay in the game.

      ATACMs sorely lacking a mission/target these days. What about a tele-optical guidance for ATACMS to attack ships? Sort of a mini DF-21 for the PLAN to worry about plunging down from above their heads.

      It would be good to see the USMC and Army do exercises with heliborne assaults, airborne drops and amphibious landings together to increase familiarity and start developing units with the expertise, sort of a Marine RAIDER-Army Ranger ride along program. It would be a kick to see a joint Army-Marine airborne assault rapidly followed up with V-22 Osprey or JHSV reinforcement.

    3. They look at MEADS that way because they, effectively, already have that capability. The Patriot system can use the missile being developed for MEADS - the PAC-3 MSE. If MEADS gets cancelled the US Army is still getting the missile. That's why the lukewarm support.

  4. It's not just about the intercept missiles. MEADS fire control/battle management system is more advanced than PAC-3, it offers full 360 degree coverage which also means that you would need fewer deployed assets to meet the same requirement. Affordability is a key for any relevant war planning in the future. Ground base fires, regardless of its offensive or defensive nature, is NOT cost effective versus naval or air powers. That’s the same reason why Army abandoned deep strike concept shortly after cold war ended. I’m surprised that Army still keeps ATACMS inventory. As for counter-missile strategy, passive defense will never be effective, especially if your potential enemy can field ballistic missiles faster and more economical than your missile defense systems. PLA can easily introduce hundreds of SRBM/MRBM annually if Chinese leadership decides to do so. We won’t able to keep up. Missile defense must be utilized in conjunction with offensive air power.

  5. Australia purchased PAC???? Really? We have the money to buy this?


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