Thursday, January 10, 2013

Morgan got owned!

Morgan is such a smug bastard.  Highly recommend he stay in the Northern part of our country.  Further South or West and he'd be in for a very rough ride.


  1. So, for having a different opinion, he would be in for a "very rough ride," eh? Great advertisement for the South and West.

    1. Not for having a 'different opinioin'. For pushing an agenda contrary to the desires of a majority of Americans who happen to believe the Bill of Rights is there for a reason. Insufferable a**hats like Morgan do very poorly in civil society. Best he stay away.
      The good news for Morgan is he's getting more exposure for these YouTube videos than he'd ever get in his main gig as a bottom-feeder in basement cable ratings. The bad news is the people watching the videos by and large see it as validation WHY he's a bottom feeder.

  2. PLease don't deport him, he'd only come back here and we'd have to tolerate his smug brand of ignorance and sh1te journalism. Better he stays in the USA where he can't actually achieve anything except make himself out to be the prize c0ck that he actually is.

    1. i just found out today from ThinkDefence that this guy is actually up on charges in the UK! justice demands that we send him back! we won't harbor fugitives from her majesty's courts.

  3. That is great. First of all, difference in population and size of our country will skew the facts when you compare the USA w/ jolly old shitty England. Second, it's my right. Third, Mr. Pratt is right, every person deserves the right to defense with an equalizing force. I cannot and will not be asked to register, give up, or abandon my LEGAL weapons.

    1. i'm right with ya but the liberals are pushing this hard and i'm not hearing anything from Republican representatives.

  4. I've never been able to visualize a "cock holster" until watching this video and Piers runningn his suck.



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