via Western Shooters Blog.
When no one of high rank was available to shoot, their outermost rings of security were targeted, even down to lowly GS-5s standing perimeter duty. Suddenly, competent and trustworthy guards were very hard to find.On the remaining internet the threats multiplied as pictures and videos were shared and commented upon by millions. “Remember your oath” was a common theme. That whole tired shtick about “defending the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic,” with a heavy emphasis on domestic. All of that reactionary claptrap. Who knew that so many of them took that oath so damned seriously? Who knew? Mere words on paper, and yet, so many Americans were willing to kill and to die for them. Who knew?The snipers grew ever more brazen and their numbers multiplied daily. They were emboldened by accounts of the murders of federal officials that were splashed across what was left of the internet, no matter how we tried to control and contain it. They freely posted comments such as, “You can take away our rights, but we still get to vote under Rule 308,” (which I have since learned refers to a popular rifle caliber). The shooters understood the critical manpower equation as well as we did. We were out-gunned a hundred to one by snipers we could neither see nor find, and they knew it.Read the whole thing here.
What's your point here, Solly? Read the whole thing here:
ReplyDeletei'm already trying to track you to your house. i'll keep looking. me and you definitely need to meet. i want to see how bold you are in person.
DeleteI'm sure there's more than one person who comes here to read about "all things military" and finds this kind of neo-revolutionary nonsense appalling.
ReplyDeletedon't hide now you little bitch. i want to find you and cut out your heart, feed it to my dogs and bury your body in the bayou. you keep fucking with me. not gonna have it. you and that bastard in canada need to be shown some truth
DeleteSuch statements will come back to haunt you.
Deleteyou don't know the whole story so don't stick your nose into this business. he's been harassing me for a week and a half. i'll gladly explain myself to the Sheriff's Dept or the State Police. report away. no fear here.
DeleteI suspect the police would be far more concerned about death threats than someone trolling your blog.
Deletedeath threats to an annonymous person???? fuck you... eat shit...try and scare someone without any knowledge of the law you sanctimonious bastard.
Delete"i'm already trying to track you to your house. i'll keep looking. me and you definitely need to meet. i want to see how bold you are in person."
DeleteLooks like they aren't that anonymous. So, someone trolls you and instead of just deleting their comments like the worthless trash they are, you threaten to track them down and kill them?
You're a disgrace to the mil blog community and the Marines.
and you're the ssame little faggot that's been harassing me all day! how do i know? i got your fucking isp! you ignorant fuck! you're so stupid your mother should have aborted you.
DeleteI just hope in 4 years or maybe sooner, you are bold enough to admit that there just happened to be an election that your side lost, and an administration elected that you didn't agree with that ultimately didn't deploy DHS to spray law-abiding gun owners with .40 cal hollowpoints or concoct any other nefarious schemes and that maybe you were being a bit paranoid and hysterical. Most of these gun control measures will fail anyway, and if you really want to rail against evil, why not single out the retailers like CTD that are raping us with $150 GI AR mags?
ReplyDeletefirst i don't really give a fuck what you think. next why don't you take a look at whats happening here. this guy is seeking to change the very culture of this country. we have massive unemployment, massive debt, a rising china, terrorist that are threatening not only us but our allies, an unrestrained iran, a syria on the brink, and what does this son of a bitch focus on? social issues! the best that we could say is that he's misguided and being foolish...the obvious though is that he doesn't give a rats ass about the country but only wants to be "transformational"
DeleteAnyone who has had a lot of contact with liberals knows just what they want.
ReplyDeletePower to make everyone not of their stripe bend and bow down to their twisted ideology that says guns kill children so ban guns BUT abortion is a right even though every one of the 1.3 million children pulled to death or sucked into the toilet brains first every year is in fact a child.
Since Obama became POTUS there has been an increase in hate, and divisions between white, black brown and yellow, north against south, east against west, Christians and Catholics against fags and atheist. The only thing Obama has done is turn every American against every other American dividing the nation like it has never been divided since the democrat started Civil War.
Racism has risen it's ugly head and it's inspired from the white house.
No one man has done so much damage to this country than Obama.
And if guns are declared illegal and unlawful to own, "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE" that damned open border nonsense is the exact border where all the guns in the world will be smuggled through as well as ammo and there are a great many folks here who will do what ever is necessary to make life hell for the government that strips the rights away from it's citizens and one fine day that liberal, socialist government will go the way all bad governments go I won't care since I'm an old guy and will just watch but I hope every member of this administration gets what's coming to them.
With a short drop.
Go ahead liberal pukes, do your worst what difference does it make? Ask yourself, what happens if every federal employee becomes the enemy of the common man?
What happens if every federal employee has to wade through a disgruntled and hostile population just to get to work?
What happens if the nation just decides to say "What difference does it make" and goes to war against the federal government?
The government has the firepower and will win any stand up fight but what will remain after, a population that fears and hates it's oppressive government and will never trust it again. A government that cannot make grand speeches without being attacked by a whole nation of faceless people who will tear any government official apart bare handed should they step among them.
You did see Bloomberg after Sandy go into the disaster area and then when he felt threatened jumped back behind armed guards for protection against some very angry victims, if the government bombs a larger Waco, attacks a lot of Randy Weavers, then the government can expect a large number of federal buildings to get the McVeigh treatment.
I do not wish this, I fear this I do NOT want my country torn apart, but I ain't so stupid to believe American's will just lie down and accept this forced destruction of the Bill of Rights without a fight.
So go ahead sirs, ban guns, deny Americans their rights under the first, second, fourth, fifth, eighth, tenth as well as the twenty second amendments go ahead you obviously feel lucky punks. I am to old to fight physically but others are not and will, What difference does it make?
I guess we all will find out it does make a big difference.
During the Vietnam war every North Vietnamese who could be trusted with a rifle was told that when he heard a jet flyingf over him to take that rifle and shoot at it.
ReplyDeleteNow one man with a rifle cannot bring down a jet fighter easy but 2000 men with rifles all firing in the general direction of the jets noise or smoke have a very good chance of hitting it and even bringing it down.
Woks the same for troops in the field, give the man a rifle and tell him every time an enemy soldier comes around take a shot at him, doesn't matter if he hits the trooper just being shot at will do the job of instilling fear and doubt in the troop and when ever a man is hit the troop will go out filled with anger and the desire for revenge and that will be directed at the civilian public that has no ties to the sniper. This revenge against the innocent will make others become snipers too.
Pretty soon the troops are guarding their officers and politicians behind the walls of enclaves never daring to step outside for fear of that former deer hunter whose family was attacked at random by an enraged soldier who was shot by some guy who was just shooting randomly in the general direction of the enemy.
This is how a guerrilla war is fought.
20 million deer hunters deprived of the right to hunt or own rifles will find another type of game to hunt.
yeah but you know what scares them even more ... the thought that susie homemaker suddenly started packing heat. before this gun ban nonsense started the biggest demographic buying guns was the ladies. now they're trying to make it unfashionable.
Deletebut its just like the story you read. they won't understand till we make them understand. and that's the shame of it. no one wants to tell the blue states how to live. we just sit back and laugh at them but they can't leave us alone, they want to make us like them. NO FUCKING WAY!
Deletewill old sol boy, be in the first 2000??
i seriously doubt it. but hey. if they come they better bring a rifle squad!
DeleteAh Sol, i'll never believe, you just upped & left... i'll stay quiet & count my lucky stars, i won an argument, at last!!
DeleteAnyways, did you see this, chinese carrier operations?
It is all too easy to demonize people on the other side of the political spectrum. For every commie, liberal, socialist, atheist, welfare and entitlement claiming bogeyman on the left, there is a fascist, corporate-loving, bible-thumping Fundamentalist, racist spectre on the right. Who decides who is the ‘Real’ American? Who decides which person or party is most true to the spirit of the Constitution? Who among us believe we alone are the ‘true patriots’ of our nation?
ReplyDeleteThe truth is that none of us can lay sole claim to the spirit and intentions of the Founding Fathers or the Constitution.
While I fear the tyranny of a government trying to implement unpopular policies that violate people's rights , I also fear the self-appointed 'guardians of the real America' who might take it upon themselves to strike the first blow.
Anyone who starts an armed conflict, government or citizen, establishment or rebel, corporate or collective, is going to regret it because violence has a way of spiraling out of control.
Violence only begets violence if you leave survivors.