Thursday, January 10, 2013

On gun control. One possible win. Two possible losses.

As a task force led by Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. readies recommendations on reducing gun violence for delivery to the president next week, White House officials say a new ban will be an element of whatever final package is proposed. But given the entrenched opposition from gun rights groups and their advocates on Capitol Hill, the White House is trying to avoid making its passage the sole definition of success and is emphasizing other new gun rules that could conceivably win bipartisan support and reduce gun deaths.
And then this...
But Mr. Biden noted that his former colleagues in the Senate have long been “pretty universally opposed to any restrictions on gun ownership or what type of weapons can be purchased.” He said they now seem more open to limits on the purchase of high-capacity magazines.A spokesman for Mr. Obama said later in the afternoon that the vice president’s remarks merely reflect a desire for a broad approach to gun violence.“President Obama has been clear that Congress should reinstate the assault weapons ban and that avoiding this issue just because it’s been politically difficult in the past is not an option,” said Matt Lehrich, the spokesman. “He’s also stressed that no single piece of legislation alone can solve this problem, which is why he has asked Vice President Biden to explore a wide array of proposals on topics ranging from gun laws to mental health to school safety.” 
And finally this...
 The ammunition limit has drawn attention from Democrats in Congress, both because they think it might be easier to pass and because it might have more impact than an assault weapon ban. To pass the last assault weapon ban through a Democratic Congress more amenable to gun control, Mr. Biden had to accept compromises that allowed many guns to be sold.

If this is true then we win on assault weapons and lose on normal capacity magazines and they go after ammunition.


That's a compromise I can't live with.

NOTE:  From reading the story I can't determine whether the "ammunition limit" that the author is talking about is regarding actual ammunition or if its a sloppy reference to reduced capacity magazines.

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