Thursday, January 10, 2013

Pakistan and India on the verge!

Thanks for the heads up Numo!

via Publico

Sunday, shots were exchanged in Kashmir. This Tuesday two Indiansoldiers were killed by the Pakistani Army, and one was mutilated,denouncing the Indian Army."It was a ground patrol and they saw anything suspicious, then there wasan exchange of gunfire with Pakistani troops," said Rajesh L. Kalia,spokesman of the Northern Command of the Indian military. "We lost twosoldiers and one was badly mutilated."According to Kalia, this "intrusion" was "... a significant escalation inviolations of the ceasefire and infiltration attempts backed by PakistanArmy," Reuters quotes. "The exchange of fire continued for about half anhour until the intruders retreated back to their own posts, on your side ofthe LoC."The Army of Islamabad denied "the allegations of Indian shooting withoutprovocation" in a written statement.The incident happened in South Kashmir, some 170 kilometers from thewinter capital of the region, Jammu, said the Indian television quotedmilitary officials on condition of anonymity. The same that describe theattack as an ambush of Pakistani soldiers in Indian territory that Indiantroops took by surprise.
I got the article through Google translator so I can't be sure if its a precise translation but the images are clear.

Pakistan killed two Indian Soldiers and one was mutilated.

The only parallel that I can think of is when the bubbas in the 2nd Infantry Division told stories about how 'back in the day' a couple of Americans were caught by the North Koreans and killed..

I had forgotten about the tensions between Pakistan and India.  The Pacific is going to be a flashpoint.



    In case you wanted something in English. The story you posted also missed out the Pakistani troop killed the day before the Indians, then another yesterday.

  2. Clashes up in Kashmir is about as hot as I think it'll get. It's not like India and Pakistan can throw their armies at each other anymore without worrying about things getting out of hand if a war starts to go bad. Keeping it local keeps the stakes low but still statisfies the lust for reprisal.

    1. the thing that has me watching this now is the fact that events can sometimes take on a life of their own. especially when you throw in a few islamist terrorist into the mix that are up to no good.

  3. A proper firefight makes a change. Normally they like to throw the occasional single shell and mortar bomb and each other. Pakistan's problem is, simply, it isn't India. Pakistan is proof that politicians are at their most dangerous pushing ideas that have no basis in reality just so they have a cause to push. And that the millions that died during Partition died because of the actions and bickering of Indians not Britains.


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