Wednesday, January 09, 2013

People are going actionable!


Quite honestly I've heard this from MANY other people.  America's leadership and its liberal base don't realize what they're doing.  This will get nasty.


  1. " America's leadership and its liberal base don't realize what they're doing. This will get nasty."

    You know I have heard talk like this for decades now. And that's all it is, talk in echo chamber..

    1. "You know I have heard talk like this for decades now. And that's all it is, talk in echo chamber.. "

      Have you?
      I last heard it when Perot won 20% of the vote and people were blowing up Federal Buildings....

    2. wow. exactly right. you can bet that someone is getting radicalized right this minute.

  2. its different. i've heard people complain about the government. i've heard people say that the federal government is leading to the decline of America...i've heard it from both sides of the political isle but this time its only coming from one side and its a regional dispute. basically both coasts against the middle of the country.

    you ignore the seriousness of things because you're removed from it.

  3. Soap box, ballot box, etc.

    There are quite a few step between rumors of executive orders and actual need for revolutions. When people start talking about drastic actions, they are giving in to their fears. Fear makes you want to control things and control is what the anti's want. If we give in to our fears, we are strengthening their hand and lowering ourselves to their level. They are the fearmongers.

    We need to take our friends and families out to the range. We need to explain what "assault weapons" means and why it is empty rhetoric.

    We need to take our full-capacity magazines (not high-capacity) and explain how the guns were designed for this.

    We have to explain to them that the 2A is not about duck hunting, it is about ensuring that the People have the means by which they might resist tyranny.

    We have to start joining or forming clubs with our shooting buddies and start educating ourselves about politics and the history of firearms.

    This thing of ours, our passion for firearms, must be shared with others for it to grow.

    And to resist the stupidity of self-centered politicians who are out of touch with the mainstream, we MUST grow.

    Leave the revolution talk alone for now and do the things will create a movement to support firearms ownership and use. Pick-up the phone and call a buddy you haven't talked to in a few months and go shooting. Bring your wives, your other friends, your kids.

    That is the first step.

  4. Paralus has got it right. A terrible thing happened and politicians instead of reacting calmly and using their brain to find a rational solution have fled towards an extremist idea. Instead of working to unite people they are polarizing them and distracting them from real issues, like the economy.
    All of this when its an empty threat at best, let them make their laws. Who will come to take our guns? The police? All the police I know love shooting recreationally. The military? More of the same. That leaves the politicians, and that can only end well for everyone.

    1. i just can't believe how people are so quick to dismiss what i see right before my eyes. well you and a few others here see it too but others are just saying forget it.

      like another guy said, the last time they did this crap a federal building got brought down. i wonder what will happen this time if the Republicans get soft.


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