Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Politics. Are we seeing a plate too full?

This is outside my lane but I've got talk about it.

Are we seeing the Obama admin piling too much on its plate?

The economy went backwards last month.  It actually went into negative territory.

We have gun control, women in the military, Libya, Syria, Mali, Egypt, immigration, gay marriage, climate change, sequestration, a rising China, deficit spending and a bunch of other stuff.

Just implementing Obama Care would be a heavy lift if it was done right but all this other stuff too?

Watching this and being an admitted amateur when it comes to politics but I just don't see it all getting done before he becomes a lame duck.  Quite honestly I don't see him getting a quarter of it done.

The shockwaves from the cuts to the military will shock the economy like nothing else and I can actually see the economy going into recession just from that shock.  I'm trying to be objective despite my biases but it really seems like a lack of planning is happening and its as if they're throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks.


  1. Perhaps. But for many on the Left Obama just has to be. Really they don't care about delivery. He can do no wrong.

  2. Meanwhile, the Brits are looking to increase defense spending.

    No more defence cuts, says David Cameron
    Defence spending will rise again to avert the threat of fresh cuts to the Armed Forces, David Cameron has promised.

  3. "A defense budget in decline portends an America in decline. It will undermine our ability to project power, strengthen our adversaries and weaken our alliances,’
    Congressman Howard mcKeon

    It is noteworthy that the Marine Corps has been targeted for the heaviest cuts as a proportion of force strength. The Marine Corps provides America with a great part of its capability to intervene in a crisis. With a smaller Marine Corps America’s strategic options are significantly reduced – all at a time of numerous threats and serious instability in the world.

    For obama, major defence cuts serve two purposes. First, they free up funds for things important to him – such as growing the welfare state. Secondly, the cuts reduce the role of America in the world and limits America’s ability to combat threats to allies and vital interests which facilitates his anti-colonial anti-American Leftist worldview that America is basically a negative force in the world for its opposition to “progressive” movements.

    Obama’s proposed cuts need to be seen as what they truly are. It’s not about controlling spending—it’s about minimizing the role of America in the world.


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