Monday, January 07, 2013

The Commandant reaches for tradition.

Battle Rattle has it as its primer for the latest issue of Marine Times.  I can look at the headlines and make some educated guesses as to the whys behind the moves....

*Bravo Fridays.  Battle Rattle teases that its an attempt to identify over weight Marines.  Not hardly.  What it is though is a nod toward tradition and an attempt to kick faith with the "Old Corps".  It doesn't take much thinking to figure that many old skool Marines aren't happy with what they're seeing.  This move is to placate them.  Nothing more or less.

*IAR could replace the MK12.  I also saw this from a mile away.  The designated marksman is a point suppression element used to enable the squad or platoon to effectively act against the enemy.  The very thought that the IAR would replace SAWs was foolish...poorly concieved and without merit.  Area suppression with automatic weapons will remain an enduring part of ground combat.  Thinking that a precision weapon could fill that role should cause someone to lose rank and assignment to the Australian outback in meat underwear.  I would like to see the IAR become the M16A5 though.  Probably won't happen but it would be nice.

One issue not covered by Battle Rattle but deserving attention today.

*Hagel going to the DoD.  The Mayan apocalypse has come to the defense sector.  Expect this man to go through the Pentagon like Vikings through an English village.  Rape, carnage and sector killings will be the rage.  Quite honestly the Marine Corps (I haven't kept a close enough watch on the other services) deserves the butt kicking its about to get.  Too slow with the EFV.  Too slow with the MPC.  Too slow with the Upgraded AAV.  A dumbass move to delay the CH-53K....We might not get any of them now.  We are going to be properly fucked when it comes to procurement now.  I'm making the call and hoping I'm wrong.  The Marine Corps is about to become a hollow force.  Think 1970's era Marine Corps all over again.


  1. Easy does it...a few IARs here to replace the SAW,a few IARs there to replace the MK-12...oh Jesus,look at all these M-16s/M-4s worn out...a few IARs to replace them...
    I saw it comming...the USMC is more serious about the IC than the they will do it under the radar...
    Cancel the ACV...OK,but we need a little upgrade to the AAV-7...not mutch:new engines an APS,new wepons,IED protection... need...just buy a few new LAVs (coughIIIcough)...

  2. This has been little Barry obama's goal from day one - eliminate USA power projection capability - remember the USMC are extremists according to the democrat nanny-state hmultiiculturalists...


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