Friday, January 11, 2013

They're conspiring to kill the F-35.

My prediction.

The Obama administration is seeking to kill the F-35.  Proof?  None.  But check this out...

Turkey said Friday it has postponed an order to purchase its first two U.S.-made F-35 fighter jets due to technical problems and rising costs, but said it still intends to buy 100 more in the long run.
"Due to the current state of the JSF (Joint Strike Fighter)...and the rising was decided to postpone the order placed on Jan 5, 2012 for the two aircraft," the Undersecretariat for Defense Industry (SSM) said in a statement.
The SSM, the public body responsible for Turkey's arms purchases, said the decision was taken because the technical capabilities of the aircraft were "not at the desired level yet."
After the initial purchase of the two jets, Turkey plans to order 100 units of the stealth fighter to replace its current fleet consisting mainly of F-4 Phantoms and F-16 Falcons, according to the statement.
Turkey is one of nine countries that are part of a U.S.-led consortium to build the F-35 fighter. The others are Britain, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Australia, Norway and Denmark.
The development of the stealth fighter has been plagued by technical problems that have prompted some countries to cancel, scale back or defer purchases.
Canada getting wobbly?  No problem.

The UK getting goofy?  Its to be expected.

Italy delaying purchase?  Makes economic sense.

But Turkey?  Turkey!  It just doesn't add up.  First they've been gung-ho about the airplane from the start.  At the height of the F-35's problems they were steadfast.

Now.  Out of no where.  They delay purchase?  I think we're looking at the first victim of the new Defense Chief.

What better way to send a shot across the bow of the Pentagon than to cancel a much needed airplane?  


  1. I'm not sure I want Turkey to have the F-35. You get the feeling that anything we give them will go right to Iran and/or China.

    1. i'm gonna piss some people off but Turkey has better controls in place (from the outside looking in) than the US, Israel, the UK, Canada, Japan and Brazil.

      as a matter of fact i've heard of major security breaches in all those countries but not from Turkey. if you're fearful that Turkey could become an Islamist state then i say its a reasonable fear, but if you believe that then its more important than ever to strengthen the military and get even more military to military ties going.

    2. I wouldn't sell Turkey F-35s until we have a 6th gen fighter prototype flying. Imagine if an arab spring comes to Turkey. Israelis will be fucked, and USA will have an Iran on steroids. Muslims should only get older equipment, they're not trustworthy.

    3. Also did you ever get that interview about the Lockhheed Havoc 8x8? I don't remember you posting anything about it. Your site is one of the best defense sites I've seen, along with Star defense.


    4. quite honestly i'm a little pissed with the Havoc team. no details just my feelings and i might be being a pussy and get my shit in a knot over nothing but its the way i feel.

  2. They could be looking at our politics and hedging...or perhaps pulling some of those Israeli bargaining habits.

    I have no idea what Hagel's stance on the program is, or even the Administration, besides what Panetta has said.

  3. The Turks have an Islamic government. The generals that ruled this nation, friends of US, are under constant pursue from the government. Turkey wants to be the big boss of the region and she wants to get out of US control. Turks cooperate with Chinese, they co-developed some long range surface to surface missiles, they are close partners with the Pakistanis and other Islamic nations. So, I don’t think they have any problem to sell US technology to anyone.

  4. China has no reason to "breach" Turkish Security, ask and they receive....

  5. So the Obama administration, which can cancel the F-35 either directly or indirectly (by pushing it further down the death spiral) at any time is going to try to kill the F-35 by manipulating Turkey? After gung ho support of the program for four years, including Panetta's Kabuki theater farce of putting the F-35B on double secret probation to save it? I don't think so.

    What I think is that all F-35 procurement is going to re-order. Everyone is realizing three things which have been apparent for some time:
    -- There are only two, "absolutely must buy the F-35 no matter what" customers and they are the USAF and the USMC
    -- The only affordable F-35s, and at this rate the only combat ready at production ones, will be the last ones off the line
    -- Therefore everyone else can manipulate the USAF and the USMC into buying all of the early, expensive F-35s and then cream off the cheaper late production models, which also carry the least retrofit/upgrade cost risks, as long as they play procurement hard ball.

    This is just the start.

  6. The frickin thing at this point is just too expensive. What I would like to know is the no b.s. truth - does it work or not? Does the helmet system work or not? Can industry and the G get the price down below 80 mil a copy?

    Different animal, but similar question - Does the Stryker vehicle work/protect troops/sufficient mobility?


    1. i've been thinking the same thing. the problem with the whole argument is that (and i blame the critics) they turned it into a "hate" the Marine Corps and the Marine Corps doesn't need a STOVL force argument instead of just saying that it doesn't meet specs.

      if they didn't go down that road i personally might be taking a harder look at it...even with that being the case the development has pissed me off at times.

      but as things stand its just to the point where we're in camps of either for or against it and no meeting in the middle will there be.


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