Wednesday, January 30, 2013

This is why the ATF is hated.

The above vid is zooming around the internet and is causing much conversation.

If you ever wondered why gun owners HATE the ATF, then look no further.  They over reach, are over bearing, have no knowledge of firearms, and are generally a bunch of sanctimonious pricks that lie constantly and taint the other Federal Law Enforcement Agencies (well except for TSA...they're dicks too)with their filth.

1 comment :

  1. That some air soft guns can be made into guns is old news, but a "military grade weapon" is still a stretch. Basically some variants are built with such realism that with some minor machining the lower receiver of the toy (the part considered on real guns to be the firearm) can be made into a functional receiver. The remaining parts of the AR then can be sourced from the internet and be used to build the rest of the firearm. The problem is that, while it would work, the materials used to make the gun are not even close to being the same metallic quality as a real AR, some are even hardened plastic. So depending on what model you used you could fire 1 to maybe 30 rounds before the gun at best stopped working and at worst exploded in your face.

    Additionally, there has been no instance that I know of where a criminal converted an Airsoft gun into a functional AR-15 and then used that in a crime. I agree that this whole ATF seizure is Grade A bullshit.


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