Monday, January 07, 2013

Time to jump the shark again. Get'em Alex!

I love the push back and laugh at the people that are uncomfortable with the fight.  


  1. lol,

    pierce Morgan is a douchebag, but that other guy, Alex? couldn't even keep calm long enough to have a meaningful discussion. He had to resort to shouting, & ignoring , almost any question posed too him!!!

    1. the questions that pierce tried to pose were silly, irrelevant and had nothing at all to do with an honest debate. as usual, liberals want to parse facts because an honest -straight forward accounting of them will show how stupid there ideals actually are. additionally you can look around the blogosphere and notice how many more people are jumping on the gun defense bandwagon. i am so tired of WEAK silly men that stick there finger in the air before they decide which side they come down on.

  2. hay sol,

    meant too say, happy new year,

  3. They're getting serious now though.

    Gabriel Giffords is now starting an anti-gun organization.

    "The Morning Plum: Job one for the White House — isolate the NRA"

  4. Theres a petition in the UK to send him straight back.....


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