Monday, January 07, 2013

UPDATE: Defense programs are ALL in trouble.

Just got this from the Washington Post.

The sequester put in place last year was supposed to be so unpalatable that both parties would have to come to an agreement. But House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) tells the Wall Street Journal that, now that tax increases are dealt with, the defense cuts in the deal don’t scare him. He has significant Republican support, he said, for letting the defense cuts (along with drastic domestic spending cuts) take effect. “I got that in my back pocket,” he said. The sequester is “as much leverage as we’re going to get” to force Democrats to cut entitlement spending. 
Both parties agree on one thing.

Defense cuts are acceptable.  Acceptable to the Republicans in order to balance spending (I can't argue with this logic as long as the cuts are reasonable) and the Democrats are in favor of cutting defense so that precious social programs can be spared.

They agree for different reasons but the results are the same.

The only real cuts that will take place in Washington will come out of the Pentagon.


  1. The Republicans are fooling themselves if they think they're going to get entitlement cuts in kind for those defense cuts.

    The public isn't ready mentally for the kind of cuts the Republicans want. They're the only ones standing between me and Democratic domination and they keep doing politically suicidal stuff.

    1. the annoying thing is that they keep falling for the same nonsense over and over and over again.

      quite honestly i'd love one simple thing. an across the board spending freeze for the next 20 years and tie it rising to the rate of inflation. that alone could help out...especially the way that Washington DC does accounting but do you think one of those idiots will suggest it? no way. we're screwed and so is anyone working for the defense industry. damn it!

  2. I'm thinking the DoD is going to use the sequestration thing as a fig leaf to cutback or cancel programs that they no longer want but were too well-porked to touch until now. Additionally, DoD will use this opportunity to influence some new congress critters. Never waste a good crisis, right?

    1. what program do you think has been started so that it can be tossed? the only one that doesn't begin to pass the smell test in my opinion is the Ground Combat Vehicle...but if we're being honest it fits that the Army is trying to upgrade it primary IFV at this time. the Bradley has been in service since the late 70's early 80's so its about that time for a replacement. if they delay then they're doing the Marine thing and skipping a generation. so outside of that vehicle what program isn't really wanted by the Pentagon?


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