Thursday, January 10, 2013

Update. James Yeager is going on MSNBC!

Just heard on MSNBC that James Yeager is going to appear on some clowns 7 o'clock pm central  The Ed Show. This should be interesting.


  1. Isn't that a bit like finding yourself in a wooden boat at sea with an axe wielding maniac and his twin the pyromaniac?

  2. He's famous in England now -

  3. Watching the debate from the UK the pro-gun side is split a few ways. There are those buying everything they can and yet will spend no time, money, or effort in defending their right. That describes the vast majority. There are a few reasoned voices who are a tiny minority. These advocate writing to politicians and reason protests. There are some who appear reasoned but arguing nothing will happen because the rules won't allow it to happen and they advocate holding on tight for the ride. What the latter don't realise is the anti-gunners aren't bothered by the rules which to them are temporary inconvenient aberrations that can be changed and don't apply to them if the situation needs. Look up the USSR and Red China to see how rules, laws, and history don't count.Then there is a tiny minority who are stoving in the boat as quick as they can like Alex Jones and Yaeger who are doing more to get the 2nd Ammendment revoked than many anti-gunners.


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