Thursday, January 03, 2013

You got to love Israeli Tank Instructors.

Female tank instructors of the School of Infantry Professions conducted a drill with their Nagmachon tanks and armed hummers on Tuesday. These instructors are always training together since they are responsible for teaching all infantry soldiers in different professions, whether it be operating tanks and/or mastering firearms.

None of my "instructors" looked like that.


  1. I also like how long hair seems to be the norm. As an aside maybe something got lost in translation but the Nagmachon isn't a tank but rather an APC/IFV built from old Centurion tank chassis.

  2. "None of my "instructors" looked like that"...

    Of course don't like the idea of women in the service...ergo...

    1. soon you little bastard. anarchy presents opportunity.


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