Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Ancient Warfare Primer...rediscovering archery

via the TEWOAWKI blog...

Give the vid a whole viewing.  I've been meaning to get back into bow hunting and this is just the thing I needed to go on and make it happen.  But on a more serious note, I wonder how many things we've lost to history that would make combat more effective today...Its a crazy idea but I wonder how effect a trained and armored swordsman would be in close combat.



  2. I was actually thinking used in conjunction with firearms but only in a CQB environment.

    1. I know what you meant; just yanking your chain.

      Cold Steel have this new for 2013,

  3. The issue to me is limited time to train. Kendo always seemed interesting and I have a friend that used to do fencing but for me I'd much rather put the time into learning more ground fighting/BJJ or knife fighting, if only to better appreciate how to defend.

    From what I remember the ax was often more useful than the sword and more dangerous. The sword is a bit too single use, in my view, and too specialized in training to warrant the weight. How often do those carrying a knife or machete really train with them? OTH, if you do put in the time then you get that retired Gurkha defeating 30 train robbers a few years back.


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