Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Dorner cornered UPDATES!

Dorner was in the area all along.  Seems like he broke into a near by house, tied up a couple and then stole their car when one of the hostages broke free and called police to report the vehicle stolen.

They got into a car chase, he wrecked out and now he's in a gunfight in the hills.

So far two LEO's have been injured and they're calling for armored vehicles to help get them out of the area.

Schools responded by going into lockdown.

Say that out loud.

A madman is on a rampage and the schools solution is to lock the doors?

Hide all the students in corners?

What a feminine solution.  And by feminine I mean what a pussy solution.  There has to be a better answer than to basically HOPE that a bad guy doesn't run into a school.  If they do and eventually someone will, then they'll have at least one class probably more of ready made hostages.

Time to put armed security in schools.

NOTE:  Fish and Game Officers are the guys that cornered him.  Interesting.  These guys can shoot and are some of the most heavily armed LEO's that no one has ever heard of.  They're the guys that go after hunters in the middle of the woods by themselves...ya know...the guys that catch poachers and stuff.  Dorner might be in a bit more trouble.

They just called off the news media's helicopters.  Reports are that 40 SWAT Officers have headed up the hill.  

They're getting ready to do an entry.  A full breach.  Dorner will die bloody.  That's basically a police equivalent Company of SWAT Officers.   40 against 1?  I wonder if he will die well.

Appears that he killed two more LEO's.  Dorner will die well.  Supposedly they have 40 SWAT Officers on scene.  LAPD is rushing another 100 SWAT Officers to the area.

They're going to do a full frontal assault on this guy.  If they had artillery they'd call it in.  I said that Dorner would die bloody and he will.  Unfortunately for Law Enforcement so will many of them.

The police threw smoke grenades at the cabin.  The media is so idiotic that they don't realize that white phosphorus is considered a smoke grenade too.  Interesting that they gas the cabin and it suddenly goes up in flames.


  1. my guess is LEO's are near schools now but this whole school safety debate is bogus, if you look at the data schools are teh safest place to be, very few kids get killed in schools everywhere, and if someone wants to kill kids they will go to parks, play grounds, YMCA, Boys and girls clubs, also whose going to pay for armed guards? come out of schools budgets? they are already underfunded and teachers horrificly underpaid, Newton and school shootings are painful to hear about but policy should be done dispassionately, and this whole gun control debate that all of a sudden came up is a good way to ignore the bigger issues that require attention, funding for actually getting an education, healthcare (here mental health and guns will intersect some but larger medical issues including mental health need to be the topic), national security funding, etc.

    1. Pay a plus to certified concealed carry teachers. Several birds, one stone.

  2. "40 against 1? I wonder if he will die well."

    I don't give a shit if he "dies well". This was a rabid dog that got off the leash. I've enjoyed your blog in the past, but I'd suggest distancing yourself from any perceived defense of this asshole.

    Also, I'd be curious what led you to think that LEOs in California carry WP grenades...Because they don't.

    1. and how do you know whats in the loadout of the SWAT teams that engaged this man??? unless you were on the ground then you don't know shit.

      and if you were on the ground and you have time to comment on my blog then you're one silly bastard...i recommend you get back on line to make sure he didn't slip out the back.

      but to your comment. yeah. it was 40 against one. yeah...he had the southern california law enforcement on its heels. yeah. they're tough against public citizens but against one man with a gun they pissed their pants. i'm not cheering the guys actions but i am observing them. it seems that when a person says enough is enough and rebels against society and is targeted in his actions then he can affect the world.

      something to make note of don't you think? and also note that you can charge on here tonight and defend LEO's in cali but the public hasn't been full throated in support of them why? because its obvious that its a them against us attitude by law enforcement and if they're against me then at best i'll be an observer and not cheerleader when some one catches them by the balls.

    2. J,

      it's dangerous to limit learning from criminal action to criminals only.

      Take care.

  3. Sounds like a job for Steven segal

  4. hay sol,

    you called it right, about the burn him out, that is.


    check the link out, radio conversation, confirms it.

    1. yeah this wasn't exactly a tough call. history shows that against determined individuals law enforcement applies their form of artillery against the people.

      incendiary smoke grenades. most people don't have experience with smoke grenades so it sounds benign enough...the truth for those who know is that they were probably used in such a way as to guarantee he died.

      whats probably more disturbing is the fact that news media wasn't close enough to record his final moments. for all we know he could have tried to surrender and was summarily executed.

      i don't think that happened but it could have.

    2. "for all we know he could have tried to surrender and was summarily executed."

      I wouldn't be as worried about the fact ("should have thought that sooner, boy") as about form. If such happens, it should be explained publicly.

      Then, I don't run for office.

      Take care.

  5. I was hoping you got away then, we would see the real bitch come out of the LAPD

  6. Although I am admittedly one silly bastard, No, I was not on the ground in Big Bear. I do have several friends in the LE community in California however, and after I spoke to them last night/this morning they said that WP was not a viable solution, and it's not something they train with.

    And before you read anything else into my previous statement, I'm not "charging on here tonight" to defend LEOs in Cali. I'm simply saying that this guy used tools & tactics that took the lives of noncombatants. For that, he deserves what he received, period. I'm in no way advocating his actions, but you must admit that even though he claimed to be going after High Value Targets that putting family members of his perceived enemy in the crosshairs is dirty pool at best, and more bluntly it's simply dishonorable. This wasn't some ROE violation by LAPD, nor was it the plot to Rambo. They fired him & he lost his damned mind. I've been fired...would I have been justified to murder my bosses' family? No.

    So you're really suggesting (and evidence will bear out the truth) that the hundreds of officers from several different agencies all conspired to cook him? Seems unlikely to me. I'm curious to see the ATF/FBI report...because if the government can pull off a conspiracy of this size, they're doing a much better job of that than anything else they've tried lately.

    1. My main issue was your suggestion of WP, Sol...CS cans can cook off with enough heat to start a fire too.

    2. It wouldn't be that much of a conspiracy for a) One officer, acting on his own, to set the building on fire deliberately, and b) Whether deliberately set or not, it wouldn't be surprising to hear an officer cheering the fact that the house was on fire. This guy murdered their friends and killed innocent civilians who were relatives of their friends. If it was you in their shoes wouldn't you cheer that asshole burning alive? I probably would.

      And even if this was an actual "conspiracy" to deliberately kill him with fire, I'd be pretty surprised but not shocked. Read up, if you haven't already, on the conduct of Law Enforcement at the Ruby Ridge shootout. After reading up on that incident frankly nothing Law Enforcement does in the future will shock me.


      But yeah, in the end this bastard got what he deserved. Good riddance.

    3. Patrick,

      I agree, I'd have been cheering as that cabin burned. The guy surrendered his right to life. There's a more comprehensive look at the audio/etc here:


      And if you really want something to be enraged about, Sol (and I'm pretty sure I'd agree with you on this one):



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