Friday, February 08, 2013

I called the JCS I'm saying they're full of shit.

If this story from Amy Butler is correct...and she is a careful and precise reporter (I don't call her Wonder Woman for nothing...then the Pentagon has jumped the shark, they're full of shit and I need to see some General's tossing some rank insignia on some tables after they're led out in handcuffs by the biggest, roid taking MP's that can be found within shouting distance.

Check this out....
Hey Mahmoud, Kim: You may have a one in three shot of hitting the continental US if you happen to have and are able to fire an ICBM after sequestration takes effect. Maybe ...
At least that is what Gen. William Shelton, who leads Air Force Space Command, is implying in a press release issued late today.
Shelton, who oversees the Air Force's missile warning and space surveillance missions -- the guys who look for hostile ICBMS and tip off a chain of events, including protective interceptors, should there be an attack -- says that as part of budget drill in preparation for sequestration, he submitted a list of potential reductions to service headquarters. 
The first among them reads:
"Reduce some missile warning and space surveillance 24/7 hour operations to 8/7 hour operations, impacting national missile warning, missile defense, space situational awareness and the intelligence community."
This seems to imply that personnel will not be constantly monitoring for ballistic missile launches -- known as infrared "events" -- provided by the Defense Support Program and/or the Space-Based Infrared System satellite and payloads in orbit. When asked for a specific explanation of the practical impact of this proposal, an Air Force spokesman said he'd take the question for the record.
For a USAF General to even suggest such a thing just boggles my mind.

I realize that its part of a budget exercise but I'm calling foul!  For him to even put forward this proposal as a possibility illustrates whats wrong with our defense establishment.

This is bullshit. 

This is now 100% political.  They're shilling for the President.  They're totally without any speck of honor and not a SINGLE one of them is to be believed.

Congratulations General Flag Officers.  You've just lost the most valuable thing you had going for you.  Once you were considered credible.  Once you were respected.  Now you're just another group of slimy DC politicians.


Note:  With this we can stick a fork in the military.  Now tell me which part of our Federal Government we can have faith in?