Saturday, February 09, 2013

Reaching critical mass on Seqeustration.

Its about to pop on the sequestration front.

Galrahn and the Conservative Wahoo have articles up  where they walk right to the edge of calling bullshit on the Pentagon (here and here) and even the hold its finger to the wind USNI has an author calling for a revolt of the generals over the subject (here).

Long story short.  Everyone that has an interest in military matters have finally gotten to the point of openly saying (some much more diplomatically than me) that the entire building has become politicized and that they're no longer acting in the best interests of this nations defense...instead they're acting at the beck and call of their political masters.

Chesty (Marine), Nimitz (Navy), LeMay (Air Force) and Patton (Army) would all have done things much differently than those in charge.  Each service needs to take a time out and ask what would their greats have done.

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