Thursday, February 21, 2013

Russian Propaganda. R-77 vs. Predator UAV

Can you become an ace by shooting down 5 UAVs?


  1. No, but you should get the hokey equivalent of the "Distinguished Warfare" medal the UAV jockeys get for braving monitor burn on their skin

  2. I'm going to go with NO unless the unmanned aircraft is smart enough to fight back. Most UAVs are called "drone"s for a reason. Because that's about all they can do is drone.

  3. Odd that propaganda shows the pride of russia fighting, turbo prop powered drones....

    Doesnt bode well for when they face Lightnings, Typhoons or Rafales

  4. Soo pathetic!

    Well, if drone cost more than a missle, maybe it can be cost effective. And since in Russia military hardware produced at raw materials cost...

  5. Maybee we should build a swarm of drones whose only porpoise is to draw enemy fighters and resources away from say stealthier ops. He l is build them to show up in radar like 747's.


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