When I first got word that Chris Kyle...famed SEAL Sniper... had been killed by a deranged Ex-Marine, I couldn't wrap my head around it.
The only question I had and still have is why?
But I then took it a step further....what does it mean for the firearm training industry?
People outside the gun community know little to nothing about it, but firearms training is one of the boom industry's these days. How will they react to the news that a student, a vet, a person who MIGHT be suffer from PTSD did something this horrific.
And then I thought about Gabe Suarez.
Think what you will about the guy (I personally think he's pretty squared away) but even on photo shoots he deploys security.
I imagine that's what we'll see more of.
And that's really the shame of it. Once the range was a place where you could go and enjoy the shooting sports without worry, now I view it as just another public place to be cautious at.
The only question I had and still have is why?
But I then took it a step further....what does it mean for the firearm training industry?
People outside the gun community know little to nothing about it, but firearms training is one of the boom industry's these days. How will they react to the news that a student, a vet, a person who MIGHT be suffer from PTSD did something this horrific.
And then I thought about Gabe Suarez.
Think what you will about the guy (I personally think he's pretty squared away) but even on photo shoots he deploys security.
I imagine that's what we'll see more of.
And that's really the shame of it. Once the range was a place where you could go and enjoy the shooting sports without worry, now I view it as just another public place to be cautious at.