Saturday, February 09, 2013

Why Dorner will not be captured alive.

I've noticed a few things about this Dorner incident happening in Kalifornia...

*LAPD and local agencies are jumpy beyond recognition.  These are the same guys that go up against Crips, Bloods, MS-13 and the Mexican Mafia?  Seems like one determined guy with a gun has them shitting their pants.

*As many have said.  This guy has a plan.  He could soon be "operating" nationwide.  Imagine if he decides that instead of just targeting Southern California Law Enforcement Officers he's gonna take it to any city cop across the nation (I say city cops because he appears to have vigorously avoided encounters with Sheriff's Deputies)

*Where are the Feds?  On many incidents where I believe they have no role or interests I usually see FBI, ATF and DHS raid jackets somewhere in photos.  They're no where to be found in this.  Interesting.  I have my own theories but they're too inflammatory for print.

But back to the issue at hand.

I don't think Dorner can be allowed to surrender for a few reasons...first the Cops that were killed have friends, and relatives---both factually and in spirit.  How would you feel if someone killed a brother?  Yeah.  I would lay the person responsible to waste.  If Southern LEO's get the chance then Dorner is toast.  DRT.  Dead right there.

Next an example must be set.  People like me and you ... people who have no ill will and aren't planning on committing any crimes are taking notes.  Evil individuals are too.  Unless Dorner dies bloody then society at large and crimminals in particular will take the wrong notes on what it means to go on a rampage targeting police in particular.

Dorner must die.  And its got to be bloody, and nasty.

If history is an example his rage will fade and he'll attempt to hide.  Oh well.  Too bad for ya cowboy.  You made a very rough bed.


  1. I hope you are wrong and his determination to stay on task is true north. He has a mission to perform and according to him it ain't over yet. But aside from that you don't mention your take on why he was set off in the first place? Obviously he was telling the truth and he was set up. And that is why LAPD wants him dead. Along drawn out trial would give the public a 3 ring circus of LAPD clowns to laugh at and ridicule. They would become the Bevis and Buttheads of law enforcement forever. This guy is "THE FUGITIVE." He is Richard Kimble....and just like in that real version a man is not going to go through all this unless he is innocent.

  2. quite honestly he lost me when he killed an innocent. the guys daughter? that's just nasty. additionally he killed another cop that didn't have a thing to do with his issues and seriously wounded another.

    if he had stayed on task and only went after the people that were involved in his case then i could move from perhaps being an observer to actually cheering for the guy. as it currently stands i can't. how many people in this day and age are being pissed on by the system?

    TOO MANY TO COUNT! we are at a low point in our civilization and many are paying the price for it. everyone has felt the big green wiener not just this guy but we deal and move on.

    as it is i'm good with just noting the arrogance of the LAPD being snuffed out of its collective soul...i'm good with watching as people are getting a first hand view that law enforcement can't protect them and at best can't even protect itself and i'm good with people realizing that one determined man with a gun can paralyze law enforcement. those who say that gun owners aren't a firewall against a tyrannical government just got a lesson in reality.


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