Thursday, February 07, 2013

You call preppers crazy? Check this out from Greece...

via SHTF Blog (SHTF=Shit hit the fan)...
Hundreds of people jostled for free vegetables handed out by farmers in a symbolic protest earlier on Wednesday, trampling one man and prompting an outcry over the growing desperation created by economic crisis.
Images of people struggling to seize bags of tomatoes and leeks thrown from a truck dominated television, triggering a bout of soul-searching over the new depths of poverty in the debt-laden country.
“These images make me angry. Angry for a proud people who have no food to eat, who can’t afford to keep warm, who can’t make ends meet,” said Kostas Barkas, a lawmaker from the leftist Syriza party.
Other lawmakers from across the political spectrum decried the images “of people on the brink of despair” and the sense of “sadness for a proud people who have ended up like this“.
People have seen their living standards crumble as the country faces its sixth year of recession that has driven unemployment to record highs.

The free food handout in Athens began peacefully as hundreds of Greeks lined up in advance outside the agriculture ministry, where protesting farmers laid out tables piled high with produce, giving away 50 metric tonnes (55.11 tons) of produce in under two hours.
Tensions flared when the stalls ran out of produce and dozens of people – some carrying small children – rushed to a truck and shoved each other out of the way in the competition for what was left.
One man was treated for injuries after being trampled when he fell to the ground in the commotion.
“I never imagined that I would end up here,” said Panagiota Petropoulos, 65, who struggles to get by on her 530-euro monthly pension while paying 300 euros in rent.
I can’t afford anything, not even at the fruit market. Everything is expensive, prices of everything are going up while our income is going down and there are no jobs.
Lets be clear.

The US of A is not special.  We're unique because of our current position as global superpower but make no mistake about it.  If it can happen in Greece it can happen here.

A proud people...the cradle of Western civilization...reduced to begging in the streets for food.  Not able to afford even basic items.

Now fast forward this same scenario to the US.  Imagine what will happen in the big cities.  Imagine what people will do to get things that they NEED...not what they WANT but what they NEED!

If you're still calling preppers and those like them tin foil hatters then you're not paying attention.

Get in shape, get trained and gun up.


  1. living in greece i have much to say
    but two things are vital
    First the political situation is unbelievable, they just dont care for the people
    there solution is more taxis more cuts and go get a job in another country!
    Second you cant get a gun to defend your family
    that is if you are not privileged to enjoy free police protection but every criminal can find a brand new bulgarian or romanian AK...
    BTW illegal immigrants are out of control
    not by accident i might add.

  2. you have my sympathy. i hope your country's suffering can serve as a wakeup call to the people that live in my country but i'm not holding my breath...since you're living it, what would you recommend people do to get ready when it finally happens here????

  3. well as i see it from here usa is going the same path with few variations.
    Ι read a lot about bug out etc in us sites but the problem is in an economic
    collapse where are you gonna go when everywhere is in the same shit?
    Advice? dont trust the government they dont work for the common people,
    same for the people promice you change for your vote, they are the same really.
    Especially for usa dont loose your 2nd amendment keep a gun somewhere
    things can be very unsafe very suddenly the bad guys will have a gun for sure
    the problem here is if i even take the gun from the guy trying to kill me and kill him in my house i ll go to jail.The laws are antisocial really.If they manage to pass the <>laws against civilians you already lost

  4. Terry
    Sensible people "bug in", with 5 years of food, private water supplies, and private power supplies.

    1. sounds better than bug out BUT..where can you store all that if you live in a city apartment?

    2. there is no perfect answer. we all have to adjust to our individual circumstances. that's why i value your input. you gave a generral outline of what is needed and everyone that is listening should be smart enough to fill in the blanks for themselves. that what i got out of it. get in shape, get guns, save money and food and just basically get as ready as i can.

      i appreciate ya buddy!


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