Friday, March 15, 2013

A favorite meme of gun grabbers is debunked on Morning Joe.

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Hat tip to  Everyday No Days Off Blog.

I actually watched this interview live and I absolutely loved the way Mika's jaw dropped.

Joe and Mika had been playing up the thinking inside the beltway that the NRA was being run by the gun makers.  To see the shock on their faces when it dawned on them that no, its not the gun makers but the actual shooters, sportsmen and enthusiast that are dictating policy.

Quite honestly I think the White House got the memo first and that's why they're slowly but surely lowering expectations when it comes to their Gun/People Control efforts.


  1. Mika is a brain-dead beltway tart who couldn't organize a happy hour for alcoholics. If it wasn't for her dad and her television sycophancy, she'd have no job except for blowing Congressman.

    But I digress...Beltway Blindness is really a sad state. The stunned look on all of the pundits faces and the disdain of Bernstein tells you exactly how out of touch they are with American society.

    1. i forgot the son of a bitches name but i loved it when he asked..."how did we miss this story!"

      priceless. yeah Mika is a hack. that chick at noon is a joke too. quite honestly alot of people hate her but Maddow is kinda cool, the research is there but she always twists stuff to fit a theme instead of playing it straight. that irks me. and they want us to trust them,.

  2. Are you talking about the Joe Cruz segment because that is what is loading?


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