Thursday, March 07, 2013

Are Syrian Rebels soon to get Foxhounds?

Are the Syrian Rebels about to get a batch of Foxhound armored 4x4's?

Stories have been floating around the internet about the UK finally getting the support they've been asking for to take a more proactive role in supporting the Rebels and part of that effort has them supplying armored 4x4's.  The only issue is that they didn't state what type of vehicle they would receive.

The Foxhound in my opinion is the best of the latest generation of MRAPs/Utility Vehicles.  I've openly called for the Marine Corps to dump the JLTV and simply buy this vehicle off the shelf.  It could serve every role that is envisioned for the JLTV and be less expensive....while providing (I believe) every ounce of protection that the JLTV will.

For more on the story of the UK providing armored vehicles to the Rebels click here.

1 comment :

  1. If the UK government gives away its brand new vehicles as it slashes the budget I would be shocked. There are plenty of older vehicles dotted about that could be given away instead.

    Foxhound is a fantastic vehicle though.


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