Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Are you a terrorist?

A report was posted today by the Southern Poverty Law Center.  In it they once again label anyone that is a Veteran, anyone that is a gun owner, anyone that owns Modern Sporting Rifles (read that to mean AR-15's), anyone that stores food, seeks to be in shape, or practices self defense tactics as a potential terrorist.

Additionally if you're one of those people that see the US Government as operating outside the bounds, if you believe in state's rights and if you're basically right wing then you are also on the list of possibly being a terrorist.

What this really means is that the blue sections of the country are where the patriots live (according to the SPLC) and red states are where potential terrorist live.

James Yeager made me laugh with his video.  I didn't see it as him making an actual threat.

I viewed it as a guy that was just frustrated and took to YouTube to vent that frustration.  But some people were obviously scared to death.  The SPLC's latest report is giving fuel to those fears.


  1. SPLC likes fearmongering because it gets the donations coming in to the coffers.

    You can't make money if you aren't conjuring threats. Hmmm, kind of like a lot national security think tanks

    1. point taken but when you have guys like General Mattis (probably one of the last Marine Officers worthy of trust) saying that the middle east will go nuclear if Iran gets the bomb then you're dealing with a different kettle of fish.


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