Thanks for the article Dave!
via Foreign Policy.
The Marines could have pushed for change 10 years ago. Following the 9/11 attacks, then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld approached the Marine commandant and asked if the Marines could take on a special operations role within the Department of Defense. For the secretary, it seemed logical. The Marine Corps is designed to operate independently when necessary; it can sustain itself with a well-oiled logistics organization, and it even has its own air wings. At the time, most special operations forces resided in the Army and in Navy Special Warfare and there was an emerging shortage of operators. The Corps could have filled the gap in special forces that existed right after 9/11.This article was like a bottle of Tabascco Sauce on eggs in the morning. Just a dash makes your day, too much sets you on fire.
I read this and I was ready to punch walls. NEVERTHELESS I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU READ IT ALL!
My opinion.
1. The guy is obviously one of the "reformers" that he's one of the Special Ops or nothing. He fits well with the current Commandant's MARSOC push.
2. He either ignores or doesn't understand the role that Marine Infantry has played in support of Special Ops. He also ignores the "Special Ops Capable" role that the MEU's have played for almost 3 decades now.
3. He wants the Marine Corps to tailor itself to a supporting role for Special Ops via supporting fires....we already do it but not to the extent that he wants.
4. He wants to fight the last war. Ignoring the nations need to have a robust, capable force, that is forward deployed to handle situations like Libya...something far more likely than another Special Ops Olympics like Afghanistan.
Read the entire article but the Nation already has Rangers. If we need to conduct raids they're the go to guys. If we need to train indigenous personnel then we have the Special Forces...if used properly they can prevent wider wars (think the mess in Syria) by training rebels. Quite honestly the SEALs, MARSOC and Air Force Special Ops are the units that have ill defined roles. I guess you could say that SEALs are Maritime specialist, but MARSOC and Air Force Special Ops? I just don't know.
And that leads me to my last point. We don't need more Special Ops and SOCOM is probably too large. What happens when policy evolves to more than just raids, raids, raids?
The nation doesn't need another Ranger Battalion...doesn't need a super large Special Ops Support Unit. What it needs is a robust Marine Corps focused on mission, not on social issues or political correctness. One other thing. We can't be scared of the debate. Whether you agree with the article or with me, its a discussion that must be had.