Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cape St George

And to wet your appetite Austal is seeking to capitalize on the best features of the Independence Class LCS by developing a new and larger Multi-Role Vessel.  The concept is below.


  1. Blue ship is Cape St George a customs cutter.
    Austal has long offered an MRV or MRC derived from existing designs with NO sales to date.

  2. That concept looks to have no room for any weapons.

    1. yeah that is the most crowded deck i've ever seen. i'm surprised people have room to walk on it with out getting brained by some piece of equipment. heavy seas and its lights out or man over board.

  3. Customs cutters are like a coast guard i.e. NOT warships, and ONLY carry a couple of machine guns and two medium RHIBs. The design is meant for high dash speed and range.

    Their ops are performed from work deck aft which is somewhat crowed.


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