Sunday, March 31, 2013

DoD against awarding Purple Hearts to Domestic Terrorist's wounded/killed.

via FoxNews.
"Passage of this legislation could directly and indirectly influence potential court-martial panel members, witnesses, or the chain of command, all of whom exercise a critical role under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Defense counsel will argue that Major Hasan cannot receive a fair trial because a branch of government has indirectly declared that Major Hasan is a terrorist -- that he is criminally culpable."
A source with knowledge of the position paper told Fox News that DOD is putting on a full-court press by sending senior officials, including generals, to meet with lawmakers in an effort to block support.
But Neal Sher, counsel for the Fort Hood families involved in a federal lawsuit against the department, told Fox News that the document -- an "official Army response" to the request for Purple Heart status -- is "an utter outrage" and that it was not surprising given it comes from the same department which labeled the attack "workplace violence."
"This is a cynical travesty. What the government has done by making this statement is guarantee that anything done to help the victims will effectively prevent or impair Hasan's prosecution. There was no reason for the government to put this kind of a statement in writing, even if it were true (which it is not)," Sher said via email.
I have mixed feelings on this.  Hasan was clearly a terrorist but if we start giving Purple Hearts then quite honestly married Service Member's that are in abusive families could also qualify for them.  Surely a spouse that is physically or mentally assaulting his "partner" (it is a new military) could be considered a sort of domestic terrorist after all.

As much as I think the reasoning is flawed (for the reasons given in the story) I also think that its probably best that we not change award criteria.

What I find more interesting though is that it could also open up those killed and injured in training accidents to this award.

Sticky subject.  Good and bad points all around.  Best to let it percolate a while.

NOTE:  Sorry about the title but I don't want to call people in the military victims.  It just doesn't sit right on a peronal level to me...especially in this case.  Hasan brought the battlefield to FT. Hood and you aren't a victim on a battlefield unless you're a civilian.

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