Sunday, March 31, 2013

French Special Forces gun down terrorist on A8

I'm detecting a change in the European but most especially the French view of terrorism.

Its becoming more aggressive.  More business like.  More proactive.

via the Daily Mail.
This is the deadly arsenal of military-grade weaponry discovered at the home of a French terror suspect who was shot dead in his car by special forces as he travelled along a motorway.

French Algerian Hakim Benladghem was gunned down in his 4x4 on the A8 Lille-Brussels motorway in Belgium on Tuesday as reached out to grab a weapon on the passenger seat.
Tapped phone calls led police to believe that Benladghem was on his way to Brussels where he was about to embark on a sustained series of terror attacks across Europe.
I don't believe for one moment that the guy was reaching for a weapon.

I think that's simply to mollify the public.

The thing that has me curious is when will terrorist finally understand that the National Security Agency, along with their counterparts in other nations, have thoroughly penetrated modern communication systems.

Once terrorist understand exactly how compromised these systems are, then we'll start seeing "true" lone wolves.  Once that happens then life will become interesting.

Read the entire article.


  1. Tem que matar mais terroristas! Um é muito pouco.

  2. The French are like the Israelis; they put themselves first and don't like to be f****ed around with especially at home. The French military still remembers Algeria and it doesn't sit easily with them.

    You have to really look hard at what is happening with this Eurabia business. There is a disconnect between the political classes of Europe who are mostly left leaning and their electorate. The popular press in Europe is dancing around the idea of Muslim as (folk) devil. Numbers would suggest that there aren't that many in Europe, but where they have settled they have undoubtedly taken over. A vocal organised minority will always be able to lever a disunited majority to do what it wants. But saying that they are minority and the majority can only be pushed so far. If France and Germany start to move heavily against terrorists (suspected and real) there will be a shift in attitudes in Europe. Of course there is another discontent between Europe (the peoples of the various states, for the people are the state and not the government) and the EU who as socialist organisation disapprove of any xenophobia or discrimination. Throw in growing unrest in the European Mediterranean countries over immigration, the situation in Scandinavia, and Russia as Europe's Christian super power I don't think it will be many years before the lid is blown off the pot. Socialism has reigned since 1968 and think a healthy majority of the common people are sick to the back teeth of it. I fear many innocents will be hurt. But I believe a cultural backlash is almost a certainty.

  3. You would be a great Lawyer for Mr. Hakim Benladghem. The moslem goatfucker got what he deserved, thankfully they got him first.

    1. You said you don't believe the guy was reaching for a weapon and that it was to mollify the public. Are you implying that they murdered the man instead of arresting him?

    2. i don't call killing certifiable terrorist murder. they declared war on what ever nation and if they're killed...while sleeping, fucking or taking a shit then so be it.

      having said that i still believe that they wouldn't give the guy a chance to reach for a weapon. he would be DRT. dead right there. and if they did give him a chance then they aren't as good as i thought.

    3. Roger, I misunderstood. Then why aren't you for drone strikes on known American terrorists?

    4. damn. this is going to take me places i really don't want to go. but here goes.

      i despise the racial debate. i want and desire everyone to be judged by the content of their character rather than by the color of their skin. i know plenty of black, white, hispanic, asian, korean etc...conservatives. old fashioned prejudice keeps the message from reaching all people because some want to dabble in the old stupidity instead of realizing that we're in a fight of ideas and if someone agrees with 99% of the time then they're an ally, not an enemy.

      having said that, the term American citizen, because of the laxity on the part of both political parties has become easier to get, and worth less than it once was.

      because of that someone that is a US citizen...not nationalized but a US citizen still should be protected by our judicial system. if there is no doubt that he is a terrorist and its easily proven then that's one thing, but remember the guy that was supposedly in Syria working with the rebels? he was arrested for working with AQ...BUT we're arming the rebels and supporting them! that's crazy policy that doesn't make sense but would allow for someone to launch a drone on the guy. that just doesn't seem right.

    5. I have a hell of a lot of respect for conservative minorities, but the problem is the majority of minorities won't change. That's why I could careless about a united America of different races. I would prefer an all european conservative country, the way it should of stayed. I'm not a supporter of multiculturalism. If these drone strikes are against AQ, I'm ok with it. We need to round up all suspected terrorists and deport them. We have like 32 terrorist training camps in our country. As far as the syria guy, that's Democrats for you.

  4. BUT, BUT, BUT....they have gun control in Europe. Where did he get his 'arsenal' if they are illegal to possess? Didn't he have a background check?

    The only AQ cells that have performed were the original 9/11, London and Madrid attackers who had some prep training. The rest have been jokes and even popular culture has caught on that with movies like "Four Lions".

    There were real terrorists like 9/11 or Madrid and then there are wannabes. Will we see real terrorists again? Could be, but considering how fucking lame the wannabes are, I'd say probably not. The real blow to AQ is the lack of credibility of the wannabes. The Shoe bomber? The Underwear bomber? Jose Padilla? puh-leeze

    1. you think so? everyone in this country is lining up in their perspective corners. all it takes is one self radicalized person to properly plan an attack over the span of a few years. making extremely small purchases of items over that time so he'll remain undetected, makes no contact with extremist and doesn't even visit there websites and i bet he could sneak through and get a successful punch in.

      all it takes is someone with a few brain cells, a closed mouth, experience in not surfing the web looking at trigger sites and he could do it. besides, they only have to get lucky once..


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